Stress Tips

Written by Bill Reddie

Stress Tips

26 ways to minimize and managerepparttar unhealthy effects of stress, anxiety and burnout. By Bill Reddie

No doubt about it - we live in an increasingly competitive and stressful world. In many subtle and not so subtle ways it affects us all and it's not unusual for people to lace their conversation with phrases like 'Stressed out', 'Anxiety syndrome', 'Panic attack', 'Burned out', and more. That's today's reality.

The question is, how do we go about dealing with that kind of world? What can we do to minimizerepparttar 144228 prolonged, unhealthy effects of a stressful environment? How can we prevent stress, anxiety and burnout from becoming a way of life?

Well, first we need to take a good hard look at what exactly is stressing us out and perhaps do a bit of repair work on our perspective ofrepparttar 144229 situation. A good way to do that is by reviewing some very basic and constructive advice that has always been available but is often forgotten in our daily scuffle to get ahead.

Forrepparttar 144230 most part,repparttar 144231 advice is based upon common sense and can often provide clarity and guidance in stressful situations.

That said, studyrepparttar 144232 list below to see if it contains something that will work for you. At first glance, these suggestions may appear deceptively simple but each will, nonetheless, require dedicated effort and discipline.

1. Don't try to please everyone. It's impossible, debilitating and very stressful.

2. Stop living your life according torepparttar 144233 beliefs, opinions and prejudgments of others. Its your life, not theirs.

3. Create dependable friendships with people who can be counted on to support your effort to change, learn and grow.

4. Try to make changes gradually. Doing so will help you to maintain a more positive outlook as you progress. Attempting to change too much too soon often leads to disappointment.

5. Establish priorities that are consistent with your own values.

6. Examine your beliefs and goals. Are they unrealistic or unattainable?

7. Accentrepparttar 144234 positive and learn fromrepparttar 144235 negative.

8. Focus onrepparttar 144236 present. The past cannot be changed. The future hasn't arrived yet. That leaves you with now. Now isrepparttar 144237 time to createrepparttar 144238 future you desire.

9. Are you a workaholic? If so, try to create a more balanced lifestyle. By so doing, you'll minimize a lot of stress too.

Music and Emotion

Written by Bill Reddie

Music and Emotion

The Age-old Puzzle of Human Response

By Bill Reddie

If you've listened to more than a little music, you've most likely received an emotional reaction from some of it. You've probably noticed that whenever that happens,repparttar effect is initially unexpected and varies in its intensity. Its also a safe bet that you cannot truly explain or define why it affected you. You might be listening to a Symphonic work, a Jazz combo, something Country or a Folk song. Whateverrepparttar 144227 style, it becomes obvious that certain musical creations are able to communicate in a way that transcendsrepparttar 144228 moment.

Those with a broad and varied interest in music soon discover that not all music is equal. Some of it may simply be functional, contrived, uninspiring and produce little or no emotional reaction. Other music may call forth a few emotional moments here and there but you find yourself wishing for more. Then, there are those truly inspiring musical creations that lift one out of oneself, somehow transportingrepparttar 144229 listener in a way that defies explanation.

Inspiring music appears to contain an abundance of emotional peaks and valleys that may evoke pleasure, sadness and other diverse manifestations of emotion. Forrepparttar 144230 listener, this often becomes a very unique and moving personal experience - andrepparttar 144231 oddity is that neitherrepparttar 144232 composer norrepparttar 144233 performers ofrepparttar 144234 music will be able to explain exactly how or why it creates that effect.

This seeming inability has nothing to do withrepparttar 144235 extensive technical abilities ofrepparttar 144236 composer or members ofrepparttar 144237 orchestra. Rather, it concernsrepparttar 144238 difficulty anyone encounters when attempting to define or describerepparttar 144239 ethereal nature of inspiration. For example, how does one go about describingrepparttar 144240 Source?

Apparently, it matters notrepparttar 144241 musical style - a simple folk song might trigger an emotional reaction as powerful as that created by a complex symphonic work. Why this happens has been debated for ages but most musicologists will agree that trying to findrepparttar 144242 answer to this and other human response questions becomes a gigantic task due torepparttar 144243 plethora of human, technical, psycho-biological and other variables that permeate an inspiring composition and its performance.

Another unusual aspect is that no two people will react to any given piece of music in exactlyrepparttar 144244 same way. What might be a moving experience for one person might be somewhat different for another.

Back torepparttar 144245 future 

In order to gain a better understanding of why this disparity occurs, look torepparttar 144246 subject of human conditioning - for it contains insightful information regarding how and why people react inrepparttar 144247 manner that they do.

The concept of human conditioning is based uponrepparttar 144248 premise that human perspective is influenced from birth onward by parental, societal, religious and other forces. Consequently, all future human experience is filtered through and measured by past experience. Therefore, it does not require too great a stretch to understand why individual responsiveness to music may vary from person to person. Simply stated, each life experience is different for each person and though experiential similarities may exist, responsiveness remains uniquely individualistic.

A mysterious something

What is it in music that gives it that remarkable ability to reach and so strongly affectrepparttar 144249 human psyche? How is it able to calm, soothe, heal and minimize pain? And what about its darker side - wherein it is capable (as some researchers suggest) of actually creating pathological conditions in humans, animals and plants?

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