Stress Relief

Written by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Traffic jams. Toddler tantrums. Deadlines at work. Money troubles. Too much work. Not enough sleep. No time to eat right or even to think.

Does this sound familiar? Stress is all around us. It’s an inevitable and normal part of our daily lives. But over time, its effects can be quite taxing. Stress becomes a problem when you feel overwhelmed by its challenges. And though it may be difficult to define, that doesn’t mean it’s all in your head. Researchers have found that there are significant biological changes that take place inrepparttar body in times of stress. And extended periods of stress can cause destructive changes inrepparttar 113866 body such as depression and a suppressed immune system, which can lead to heart disease, cancer, and stroke. So if you are feeling stressed out, its time to get some relief. Learn about stress: how to identify it, and how to find relief.

Why Do We Get Stressed? Stress is a normal physical reaction to an internal or external pressure that is placed on your system. People react to most stressful situations withrepparttar 113867 “fight or flight” response. The body is flooded with stress hormones, makingrepparttar 113868 heart pump faster,repparttar 113869 breathing rate increase, andrepparttar 113870 muscles tense up. This isrepparttar 113871 body’s way of gearing up for imminent physical activity. For instance, if you are in a minor car accident, your may feel a surge of energy that allows you to escaperepparttar 113872 car and help others out as well. However, sometimesrepparttar 113873 stress is emotional rather than physical andrepparttar 113874 body is not allowed to releaserepparttar 113875 physical tension created by stress hormones. If you’re stuck in a traffic jam and late for a meeting, there is little that you can safely do to releaserepparttar 113876 buildup of stress hormones in your body. Over time, stress can lead to back pain, headaches, raised blood pressure, indigestion, sweating, palpitations, irritability, and anxiety. It can also contribute torepparttar 113877 development of such diseases as cold sores, ulcers, and heart disease.

What Causes Our Stress? There are two types of stressors that may be causing you grief. External stressors such as traffic jams, a death inrepparttar 113878 family, or a financial hardship, are often out of our direct control. Internal stressors, onrepparttar 113879 other hand, develop through our own personality traits and emotions. It is our ability to handle these internal and external stressors that determinesrepparttar 113880 amount of stress we feel we have. Chemical substances such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, sugar, additives, drugs, and environmental toxins, depleterepparttar 113881 body of energy and are further sources of stress.

How Can We Prevent Stress? Stress is an inevitable and normal part of life. So there is no way to prevent it completely. However, there are various stress management techniques that can reducerepparttar 113882 effects that stress takes on your life. The most important thing you can do to prevent stress from negatively affecting you is to learn how to recognize stress andrepparttar 113883 triggers that set you off. Also, avoiding substances such as alcohol, drugs, and nicotine will helprepparttar 113884 body remain better prepared to handle stress.

Stress Management

Written by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

How do you deal with stress? Some people go for a long walk, while others take solace in talking over a stressful situation with friends. Stress is all around us and no matter how hard we try, there will always be stressful events that find their way into our lives. It’s how we manage stress that determines whether it will be a minor nuisance or a major disorder. Here’s what you need to know about stress andrepparttar management techniques you can use to tame it.

Why Do I Get Stressed? The body is pre-wired to react to a stressful situation or event by preparing for danger. If you are about to be hit by a car, your body will gear up for action, and subconsciously prepare you to deal withrepparttar 113865 danger. Emotional stress, such asrepparttar 113866 loss of a loved one, often results inrepparttar 113867 same physical response. Stress can build up if there is no outlet to alleviate it.

Stress Management Techniques and Lifestyle Changes

Stress interferes withrepparttar 113868 body's systems, such as digestion, nutrient absorption, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. Fresh air, and eating slow regular raw meals, and taking nutritional supplements can help to restore balance to your body. Here are some additional lifestyle changes that can help you manage stress:

Coping Skills: Relieving stress may be as simple as organizing your time differently, getting more sleep at night, or talking over your problems with a close friend or family member.

Dietary Changes: It can be so difficult to eat a healthy diet when your thoughts are consumed by a stressful situation. But eating foods that are good for you will actually help you stay focused, strong, and healthy throughrepparttar 113869 stress. Unhealthy foods can add to digestive disorders, and sleep disturbances that can aggravate stress. Avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages that can cause jitteriness, and agitation, and contribute torepparttar 113870 symptoms of stress.

Get Connected: Develop and strengthen your social network so that you will have people to turn to in times of stress. Simply talking about your problems can go a long way to reducingrepparttar 113871 stress they cause. You may also wish to consider joining a support group of your peers to help you manage stressful situations.

Take A Break: Sometimes, managing stress is as simple as learning to say "no." As much as you would like to, its simply not possible for you to attend and assist with every event, project, and activity. If you are particularly stressed out, try to reduce your work or activity load a little bit, or even take a relaxing vacation, untilrepparttar 113872 situation settles down.

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