Stress-Free Holiday Entertaining

Written by Bridget Messino

The holiday season is upon us! It is a time when family and friends gather together. Some people love to entertain and enjoy bringing people together. Others feel stressed with these obligations. Whether it is a large gala for everyone you know, hostingrepparttar family holiday dinner or just having a few close friends over for a meal, planning and organization can makerepparttar 129625 difference between feeling stressed and being able to enjoy your event. The following simple tips can help you prepare your house, preparerepparttar 129626 food and handlerepparttar 129627 final details.

Preparingrepparttar 129628 House So how organized is your house right now? So often people become overwhelmed withrepparttar 129629 idea of entertaining; they get stuck as to where to start. Think about how your house will be used. Will this be a sit down meal in your dining room? Will groups separate into different rooms to talk or watch TV? Will your guests be staying overnight? Start early enough and focus first onrepparttar 129630 rooms that will really be used. Don’t worry aboutrepparttar 129631 ones that you think someone may wander into if they get lost onrepparttar 129632 way torepparttar 129633 bathroom. Go through each room, one at a time. If there is a room that hasn’t been de-cluttered in awhile, sort through everything by dividing items into toss, donate and keep piles. This is a great time to make your donations and get that tax deduction in beforerepparttar 129634 end ofrepparttar 129635 year. Throw out items no longer needed and put awayrepparttar 129636 items to be kept in their appropriate place.

Think about who is coming to your house. If you have items that are breakable or valuable, consider simplifyingrepparttar 129637 items inrepparttar 129638 main gathering room so you and your guests (and their children) don’t have to worry about accidents that could put a damper onrepparttar 129639 evening. These items can be put up or wrapped up and stored in a plastic bin, which can be hidden in a basement or bedroom duringrepparttar 129640 party and brought out easilyrepparttar 129641 next day.

Depending on whatever else is going on in your life and ifrepparttar 129642 budget allows it, treat yourself to a cleaning service before your event. If funds won’t stretch that far, getrepparttar 129643 whole family involved and dividerepparttar 129644 tasks up. Another option is to trade blocks of time with a good friend. Also make sure you have enough supplies on hand (toilet paper, disposable hand towels forrepparttar 129645 powder room, paper towels inrepparttar 129646 kitchen, etc.) and that they are easily accessible if needed duringrepparttar 129647 time your guests are in your home.

If you give yourself enough lead-time and work at picking up and cleaning in manageable increments, you won’t get burned out and will only need to do a quick tidyrepparttar 129648 day of your event.

Preparingrepparttar 129649 Food Now that your house is ready for guests, it’s time to focus onrepparttar 129650 food. Many people dreadrepparttar 129651 food preparation that goes along with entertaining. Whether it is because they are uncertain of their cooking skills or they just don’t haverepparttar 129652 time to devote to it,repparttar 129653 solution isrepparttar 129654 same.

Avoid the Tendency to Underestimate Your Greatness

Written by Josh Hinds

Avoidrepparttar Tendency to Underestimate Your Greatness By Josh Hinds (c)

As a whole I think there is a sad tendency in most of us to underestimate just how powerful we are. Just how much greatness lies inside each and every one of us - just waiting to get out. The reality is if you knew just how special you were - and how much greatness went into making yourepparttar 129623 unique you that you are I'm convinced you'd immediately know that nothing can truly keep you from achieving that which you want in your life.

The journey is not always an easy one - very little of lasting or true value is first paved with an easy road. In fact we often find it is those very times we believed to be insurmountable that are often most responsible for our gainingrepparttar 129624 skills it took to reach our eventual success.

What I'm suggesting is thatrepparttar 129625 skills it takes to become that which we desire to be are learned most often through times of hardship or unrest. Certainlyrepparttar 129626 good times and study in self-improvement plays a part, but don't discountrepparttar 129627 importance of life's challenges either. Inrepparttar 129628 end all parts of our life can be valuable teachers.

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