Strength is a weakness... also

Written by Arvind kumar

McDonald’s becomerepparttar largest national fast – food chain in eighties. They had found their perfect recipe for success. And they were all out to defend their turf comerepparttar 146223 hell. McDonald strength wasrepparttar 146224 hamburger, its uniformity instant delivery and inexpensiveness.

The advertising said aboutrepparttar 146225 top ofrepparttar 146226 live,repparttar 146227 Big Mac: “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce cheese, pickles, and onions on a sesame seed bun.”

What should berepparttar 146228 best strategy to attack a leader, who is all out to defend his ground?

Simple, changerepparttar 146229 battle ground and rules itself. Studyrepparttar 146230 leader and take 180° about turn and walk and choose your own ground to launch an attack.

Strength is a weakness... also

Written by Arvind kumar

McDonald’s becomerepparttar largest national fast – food chain in eighties. They had found their perfect recipe for success. And they were all out to defend their turf comerepparttar 146222 hell. McDonald strength wasrepparttar 146223 hamburger, its uniformity instant delivery and inexpensiveness.

The advertising said aboutrepparttar 146224 top ofrepparttar 146225 live,repparttar 146226 Big Mac: “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce cheese, pickles, and onions on a sesame seed bun.”

What should berepparttar 146227 best strategy to attack a leader, who is all out to defend his ground?

Simple, changerepparttar 146228 battle ground and rules itself. Studyrepparttar 146229 leader and take 180° about turn and walk and choose your own ground to launch an attack.

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