Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake

Written by LeAnn R. Ralph

Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake

Bottom Layer:

1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 cup sugar 2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 cup milk 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in eggs and stir in milk. Add dry ingredients. Mix until smooth. (Batter will be stiff.) Spread inrepparttar bottom of greased 9x13 pan.

Middle Layer:

4 to 5 cups of rhubarb (cut up) 2 eggs 1/4 cup milk 2 cups sugar 1 cup flour 1 three-ounce package strawberry Jello

Measure rhubarb into a mixing bowl. Stir in eggs, milk, sugar and flour. Spread over bottom layer. Sprinklerepparttar 113214 dry strawberry Jello overrepparttar 113215 rhubarb mixture.

Barbecue Success With The Rule Of Thirds

Written by Les Brand

Ever been to a barbecue party whererepparttar ‘chef’ placed as much food as he could possibly fit ontorepparttar 113213 barbecue grill, every so often stabbingrepparttar 113214 food with a fork and juggling it around so that it cooks evenly? Ever noticed how, within a few minutes,repparttar 113215 flames start gently flickering underrepparttar 113216 food,repparttar 113217 chef proudly standing back admiringrepparttar 113218 char grill effect that he’s creating? Ever noticerepparttar 113219 panic that sets in whenrepparttar 113220 flames suddenly leap up and aroundrepparttar 113221 food burning it black onrepparttar 113222 outside and leaving it raw onrepparttar 113223 inside?

The difference between great char grilled barbecue food and burnt offerings lies in a few small precautions. The chef that we’ve just described made a few fatal errors that could easily have been avoided. Before discussingrepparttar 113224 errors though, lets considerrepparttar 113225 equipment that we’re talking about. Althoughrepparttar 113226 same can happen with gas as with charcoal, gas grills can be turned lower, or off, whenrepparttar 113227 flames start getting out of control. The flames can also be controlled ifrepparttar 113228 barbecue grill has a tight fitting lid, as with a Weber kettle grill. However most people seem to cook on an open top barbecue grill withrepparttar 113229 lid, if it has one, open. Note that we’re talking about a barbecue grill here, whererepparttar 113230 food is cooked directly overrepparttar 113231 hot coals. True barbecue uses indirect heat withrepparttar 113232 food fully enclosed as though in an oven. So,repparttar 113233 barbecue grill that our imaginary chef is using is an open top, charcoal, barbecue grill.

Now lets have a look at our imaginary chef’s errors.

First, he filledrepparttar 113234 grate with charcoal along its entire length, providing a constant heat source, with no area of lower heat to place food if it started to burn. A simple solution is to userepparttar 113235 rule of thirds. Imaginerepparttar 113236 grate of your barbecue being in thirds. Fill two thirds ofrepparttar 113237 grill with charcoal and leaverepparttar 113238 remaining third empty. Cook your food overrepparttar 113239 hot coals and when your food is ready, or starts to burn, or creates out of control flames, move it over torepparttar 113240 section aboverepparttar 113241 empty grate. The food will stay warm but won’t cook any more (or possibly it will but much more slowly), and wont cause any flare-ups. A further refinement can be had, if you’ve a large enough grill, by placing a double level of coals in one third ofrepparttar 113242 grate, a single level of coals inrepparttar 113243 middle, and no coals inrepparttar 113244 final third. You now have three levels of heat!

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