Story telling as a tool for trainers

Written by Ram Lingam

Story telling as a tool for trainers - Imagery at its best Once upon a time…………."Yeah right, don't tell us a story, we are not kids".

"If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive." - Barry Lopez

Story telling is an art and like many arts it can be learnt. As adults, we think stories are for kids. Despite beingrepparttar so-called matured-sophisticated adult, we ourselves get sucked into soap operas, become fans of Peter Jackson andrepparttar 109408 likes, who have basically used audio-visual media to tell stories. As a matter of fact, some ofrepparttar 109409 stories we watch onrepparttar 109410 screens are purely fictional. And yes, we pay for it only to makerepparttar 109411 storyteller richer forever for a momentary entertainment.

Story telling as an excellent resource for trainers Story telling can be an excellent way of starting a workshop or can be used as a summary towardsrepparttar 109412 end as a review. Personally as a participant in many sessions, I have foundrepparttar 109413 stories used atrepparttar 109414 end ofrepparttar 109415 session made a deep impact. In fact, as a participant. I still remember my colleagues Customer service training some 3 years ago, where he ended his session withrepparttar 109416 story* ofrepparttar 109417 man who maderepparttar 109418 difference by savingrepparttar 109419 star fish onrepparttar 109420 beach. He finished it with a punch line 'Let's makerepparttar 109421 difference'. Well I still remember it. I have also observed that many NLP master trainers use stories as useful resource to make a point.

Story when properly narrated can enhance learning and it can be narrated in many ways that suit all learning styles. Story telling need not be a mere auditory presentation; it can be narrated in many ways using various educational media like:

"PowerPoint presentation with animation and sound"Story telling with some dramatization "Puppet show"Flash shows "Cartoons on flipcharts"OHP slides with visuals "Role-plays / skids" "Stories can also be chunked as Case studies (Case studies are effectively used as a teaching method in many management schools likerepparttar 109422 Harvard Business school)

Stories as Case studies Stories can also be used as an excellent case study to achieve learning outcomes. The following is a simple story presented as a case study to participants. This story, like many, has a moral.

Situation: One day a sculptor came to The King's court with three idols. The idols were perfectly identical in appearance but there was something different in their internal make-up.

Challenge: The sculptor presentedrepparttar 109423 idols torepparttar 109424 Emperor and said, "Grand Sire, these idols look alike, but only one of them is worth looking and to be treasured. Please allow me to challenge thy wise men ofrepparttar 109425 court to pickrepparttar 109426 best idol and tell merepparttar 109427 reason for his choice."

Analysis: Inrepparttar 109428 King's court there was this wise Wizard. He was summoned to take onrepparttar 109429 task. One by one,repparttar 109430 Wizard got hold ofrepparttar 109431 idols and observed them very closely. He noticed that there were minute holes inrepparttar 109432 ears and mouths ofrepparttar 109433 idols.


Written by Steve Davis

Spellbound Recognizerepparttar power ofrepparttar 109407 container, context, and expectations.

I receivedrepparttar 109408 following paragraph in an emailrepparttar 109409 other day. Please read it first, then we'll talk about it...

According to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredrrepparttar 109410 ltteers in a wrod are,repparttar 109411 olny iprmoetnt tihng is tahtrepparttar 109412 frist and lsat ltteer be atrepparttar 109413 rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseaerepparttar 109414 huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, butrepparttar 109415 wrod as a wlohe.

Interesting isn't it? What's it got to do with facilitation? Good question. My commitment to write and publish useful content on this subject every week is a strong inspiration for me to look for connections anywhere and everywhere. Fortunately, with everything inrepparttar 109416 universe ultimately connected, you can always find them. Here's what I see.

The paragraph I ask you to read above has three striking characteristics that I believe are connected to facilitation and how groups function.

1) Each word inrepparttar 109417 paragraph is contained in a consensual manner. By that I mean,repparttar 109418 first and last letter of each word are "correct." By correct, I mean that each of us who can readrepparttar 109419 English language and can spell, agree onrepparttar 109420 the proper characters that begin and end each word. Without that agreement,repparttar 109421 words would be unintelligible.

2) The words form a coherent paragraph that define a clear context. Ifrepparttar 109422 words were randomly joined without conveying something that made sense, it would become gibberish. Consider this sentence:

Wrod rset porbelm tihs taht iprmoetnt frist is ltteer berepparttar 109423 wouthit mses huamn bcuseae lteter.

This is a random selection of some ofrepparttar 109424 same words inrepparttar 109425 above paragraph that aren't arranged to convey any meaning. Withoutrepparttar 109426 context of coherent speech, it's far more difficult to decipherrepparttar 109427 meaning ofrepparttar 109428 individual words.

3) We all experience life through filters. Declaring expectations is like "tuning your filters" to my particular station. In this case, I set up an expectation that you might learn something from reading this paragraph. If you were to have found it in your email without an explanation inrepparttar 109429 midst of a seemingly normal message, you might not have given it enough consideration to figure out it's meaning.

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