Store Discount Cards

Written by David Catt

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The Litter Box by David Catt Subject #1.2: Store Discount Cards. ©2004-05 - David B. Catt - all rights reserved

Ever wonder why stores really offer a discount card instead of just a sale? Loyalty?? Whatever name they put on them. One store calls it "Preferred". Makes me feel just so special (not). Funny how I never get "Preferred" treatment over someone that doesn't have a card! Maybe an exclusive checkout lines for those of us to whomrepparttar 147425 store has grantedrepparttar 147426 privilege of a card. So many times, I have been stuck waiting at checkout behind someone that does not have a card. :(

Where is what I believe happens: So what doesrepparttar 147427 store get in return for giving you a discount? Answer: Money! Hard to believe thatrepparttar 147428 store can make lots of money by giving you discount!

How? Answer: They sellrepparttar 147429 information about what you purchased to marketing research companies. Yes, several different marketing research companies. By allowing them to scan your card each time you shop, you give them permission to collect information that they may share (read as sell) with others as they see fit. That isrepparttar 147430 easiest and low investment moneyrepparttar 147431 store makes. The informationrepparttar 147432 store already gathers to track their stock instantly turn into easy money withrepparttar 147433 swipe of your card. Why do you think they always ask you forrepparttar 147434 discount card even if you don't necessarily have discounted item?

Part I - Different Types of Home Foundations and When to Use Each

Written by Mark Mathis

The foundation isrepparttar first piece of a home to be constructed and creates a base forrepparttar 147403 rest of a home's components. There are three types of foundations that are commonly used inrepparttar 147404 U.S.: slab, crawlspace, and basement.

Slab Foundation

Slab is a type of foundation consisting of a structural concrete slab poured directly onrepparttar 147405 grade. No accessible space exists in slab construction. Slab foundations are popular in areas (i.e.repparttar 147406 Southern United States) where there is a relatively high water table. (Water table refers torepparttar 147407 depth inrepparttar 147408 soil at which you find water).

Crawlspace Foundation

A crawlspace is an accessible space with limited headroom, typically betweenrepparttar 147409 soil andrepparttar 147410 bottom ofrepparttar 147411 first floor of a home. Crawlspace construction is predominant in areas where there is heavy clay content inrepparttar 147412 soil.

Basement Foundation

A basement is an accessible space betweenrepparttar 147413 soil andrepparttar 147414 bottom ofrepparttar 147415 first floor of a home. It usually has more headroom than a crawlspace. Basement foundation construction is predominant in cold climates whererepparttar 147416 foundation needs to be situated belowrepparttar 147417 frost level.

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