Stop kidding – No home gyms allowed

Written by Rolf Rasmusson

Stop kidding – No home gyms allowed

Home Gyms

Not long ago my wife went shopping for home gyms. No not for her but of all people for me. I was devastated. The idea, me exercise? I sit and work atrepparttar computer all day and that's plenty of exercising for me. I told her we didn't have room andrepparttar 112873 (2) extra bedrooms were for visitors besides.

Nevertheless off she went and darned if a couple weeks later she drug one home. A home gym – of all things!

My wife was telling me thatrepparttar 112874 convenience of privacy at home, no driving and time efficiencies is what I really would enjoy. Humbug! She also discussed her goals for me and frankly I was impressed. Lose 20 lbs or else! Else what? Rabbit salads and vinegar for life.

She also told me that in making her decision she considered our budget, room available, weight based or rubber band machines and relative versatility. I told how appreciative I was of here thoughtfulness.

Treadmill Buying Tips

Written by Gary Gresham

These treadmill buying tips will make you aware of important considerations before you go treadmill shopping. A treadmill isrepparttar most popular piece of fitness equipment today and will last for many years. So you want to look for everything you want now as well as everything you'll need as you become more fit. Treadmill Buying Tip # 1 Your Workout Area Make surerepparttar 112872 treadmill is going to fit inrepparttar 112873 room where you will be using it. A treadmill can look small inrepparttar 112874 store but can become huge once you get it in your workout room at home. Getrepparttar 112875 treadmills measurements and make sure it fits well in your room and isn't crammed in a small space. Your workout area should be pleasant so you will enjoy it and workout more often. Treadmill Buying Tip # 2 Price You get what you pay for in a treadmill but make sure you getrepparttar 112876 best in your price range. Readrepparttar 112877 treadmill reviews and ratings because these usually come from unbiased sources. Treadmill Buying Tip # 3 Motor One ofrepparttar 112878 most important elements of any treadmill isrepparttar 112879 motor. Look for a motor with a continuous duty power rating. You'll see other ratings such as, peak duty and treadmill duty but they don't mean much. Continuous duty power rating is a more accurate measure of motor power and this kind of motor will give you better performance with longer life. Most treadmill motors range from 1.5 HP to 3.0 HP withrepparttar 112880 less expensive treadmills offering lower power motors that simply will not last. Look for at least a 2.0 HP continuous duty motor and this should be adequate. If you run a lot on your treadmill you might want to get a 2.5 HP motor. There are AC and DC motors with most home treadmills using a DC motor because they are quieter. AC motors are mostly used in commercial treadmills and require much more power. The AC motor will also require a dedicated power line and will be much noisier. For a home treadmill, look for a DC motor with a minimum 1 year warranty for a quieter workout. A lot of people watch TV or listen to music while working out so motor noise is a very important consideration. Treadmill Buying Tip # 4 Running Or Walking Surface Common mistakes made when buying a treadmill is thinking all running or walking surfaces arerepparttar 112881 same. They are notrepparttar 112882 same and here is what you look for. Look for a 2 ply surface belt with a minimum width of 17 inches. If you are a runner, get a running or belt surface length of 60 inches as a minimum. If you just want to walk on your treadmill look for a minimum belt surface length of 48 inches. These lengths will provide a more comfortable stride for walking or running.

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