Stop Wasting Time: The Thorns of Opportunity...Part I

Written by James Smith

The Thorns of Opportunity...Part I

What are you trying so hard to do?

Do you ever find yourself saying "If I just had a little more time life would be great!" or asking "Where did all repparttar time go?"

In this story you will learn how you can have more time and actually begin to enjoy your day.

Imagine, if you can, three separate fields of roses. Each field tended by it's perspective owner and brimming with life.

This writing will look at two ofrepparttar 139671 fields andrepparttar 139672 contrasting results experienced betweenrepparttar 139673 two gardeners.

Each ofrepparttar 139674 gardeners seem to have a green thumb asrepparttar 139675 plants are healthy and green. Still on any given day you may notice that one field is filled withrepparttar 139676 many colors of repparttar 139677 blooming roses, whilerepparttar 139678 other is filled with thorny bushes and not a single bloom in sight.

Inrepparttar 139679 one field filled with bloomsrepparttar 139680 gardener is tending torepparttar 139681 weeds. There are not many weeds as it is a practice to remove them each and every morning.

Withrepparttar 139682 weeds out ofrepparttar 139683 wayrepparttar 139684 rest ofrepparttar 139685 day is spent enjoyingrepparttar 139686 many colors and gentle fragrances ofrepparttar 139687 roses.

Inrepparttar 139688 other fieldrepparttar 139689 weeds are many asrepparttar 139690 gardener is very busy tending torepparttar 139691 rose bushes. In fact this gardener works from sun up to sun down to keeprepparttar 139692 field healthy and still there is not a bloom in sight.

You see there is no time to managerepparttar 139693 weeds, becauserepparttar 139694 gardener is busy clippingrepparttar 139695 buds off ofrepparttar 139696 1000's of rose bushes.

Never having seen a rose bloom, let alone smelledrepparttar 139697 fragrance of such a bloom,repparttar 139698 gardener sees each bud as a defect, an imperfection, a disease, or something that can harmrepparttar 139699 beautiful thorny bush.

So, it is with great care, and as much love asrepparttar 139700 first gardener, thatrepparttar 139701 buds are clipped everyday, byrepparttar 139702 "thorny" gardener, untilrepparttar 139703 season has passed.

Oncerepparttar 139704 season has passedrepparttar 139705 weeds will then becomerepparttar 139706 gardener's focus. Yes, from sun up to sun down, regardless ofrepparttar 139707 weather,repparttar 139708 weeds will be tended.

The Seven Army Values - They’re not just for the military

Written by Joseph Yakel

The Army defines seven values that soldiers should strive to emulate in their daily lives. These core values establish a standard of conduct; they formrepparttar foundation of personal behavior that definesrepparttar 139522 person, as well asrepparttar 139523 expectations soldiers have of one another. These values are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.

Here'srepparttar 139524 thing. The Army didn’t inventrepparttar 139525 values. There are many more than seven values that identify desirable human conduct and behavior (and plenty that define undesirable behavior as well), and they've been around for a long time. So, that said, it should come as no surprise thatrepparttar 139526 seven Army values are not just forrepparttar 139527 military - they apply to each and every citizen…this makes perfect sense, as all soldiers are citizens first.

We all have positions in life…stations, if you will…and it matters not what your station in life happens to be…some or all of these seven values are tested as a matter of course, each day of one’s life. The values are as applicable torepparttar 139528 student as they are torepparttar 139529 professor; as important torepparttar 139530 patient as they are torepparttar 139531 doctor; as challenging torepparttar 139532 child as they are torepparttar 139533 adult; and as attainable byrepparttar 139534 penniless as they are byrepparttar 139535 millionaire. In short,repparttar 139536 seven values are for everyone. What arerepparttar 139537 values, and how are they applicable to everyone?

Loyalty - Bear true faith and allegiance torepparttar 139538 U.S. constitution,repparttar 139539 Army, and other soldiers. Be loyal torepparttar 139540 nation and its heritage.

Forrepparttar 139541 citizen, this means showing your faith in our nation, your elected and appointed leaders and your fellow citizens. People want to know they can trust you. And you wantrepparttar 139542 same reassurances from others.

Duty - Fulfill your obligations. Accept responsibility for your actions and those entrusted to your care. Find opportunities to improve oneself forrepparttar 139543 good ofrepparttar 139544 unit.

Forrepparttar 139545 citizen, you’ve got a job to do and people depend on you to get it done. If someone needs help, give it to them. If you need help, seek it from your peers. Be consistent in action and deed.

Respect - Treat people as they should be treated. How we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization.

Act courteously toward friends, acquaintances and strangers alike. If you disagree with an opinion or point of view, challengerepparttar 139546 position, but avoidrepparttar 139547 personal attack. Remember that your actions speak volumes about yourself and your business or organization.

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