Stop Telling Yourself It's Too Hard To Lose Weight

Written by Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

Stop Telling Yourself it's Too Hard to Lose Weight

Telling yourself you have to "struggle with this weight issue forrepparttar rest of my life," is as good as telling yourself there's no point in trying. "Why bother? I'll just gain it right back. It's no use. I might as well eat more cake. Poor me. Life is hard. You knowrepparttar 114852 drill. Life's a beach.

Stoprepparttar 114853 struggle by stoppingrepparttar 114854 self talk that supportsrepparttar 114855 struggle. You've heard it before - what you focus on is what you receive. No where is that more true than in believing it is a struggle to stay healthy. Who would want to be healthy if it's such a horrible struggle? Yet, you've probably seen people who are fit, healthy and happy? You might even know a few. They seem to bounce when they walk. They're animated, and excited about life, and no, if you asked them, they wouldn't say it's a struggle. "What do you mean," they'd ask? Struggle? Nah, I like it this way," and they'd mean it.

Forgetrepparttar 114856 notion that you have to struggle and eat celery sticks for dinner. It's not true. Despiterepparttar 114857 fact that you've lostrepparttar 114858 weight before and gained it right back too, despite your belief that you can't even look at food without gaining weight. All of those thoughts are just more beliefs that are keeping you stuck. What you focus on becomes your reality.

What if You Never Got Hungry?

I'm a prime example. I don't struggle. Some days I eat a lot. Some days not so much. Some days very little. Yesterday I ate my usual breakfast and then, strangely, I just didn't feel hungry all day. I felt different somehow. Not ill, but I just didn't want to eat. "What's up with this?," I thought to myself, but I decided to just ride it out and see what happened. Well, I'm here to tell you that nothing happened. I lived to tell another story, see another day. Nothing fell fromrepparttar 114859 sky andrepparttar 114860 world didn't stop spinning because I didn't eat much yesterday. It was just another day.

Today I ate a few handfuls of malted milk balls. No big deal to me, but I know many of you are thinking, "I'd never be able to eat just some, I'd have to eat them all," and that is my point. Telling yourself you can't eat "some," or as many as you want, but that you believe you'd be compelled to eat them all, no matter how many there were is a belief that is keeping you stuck. I don't believe that to be true, and so, for me it is not true.

Changing a Fundamental Belief with EFT

How do you change a fundamental belief? You start with basic EFT using it for everything that comes up, even though it may not seem related. Every worry, fear, doubt, struggle. Use it on everything, and those issues that do make a difference in your eating will start dissolving away. Try it - what have you got to lose but some weight?

What's EFT? It's Emotional Freedom Training and it's takingrepparttar 114861 world by storm as an easy, self administered practice to help reduce or eliminaterepparttar 114862 emotional issues that keep us stuck. Free information available at I added EFT to my toolkit as soon as I learned it because it's easy to learn, easy to use, and it's effective.

Remember those healthy folks I mentioned earlier? They don't view how they eat or how much they exercise as a struggle at all. They are active because they want to be active, and they eat foods that make them feel great. They probably eat a lot ofrepparttar 114863 same things you eat too - I'm talking about everyday folks who have learned to feel good about themselves. None of them are perfect - despiterepparttar 114864 common belief that there is some "perfect" body, it's just not true. Everyone has a wrinkle here, extra skin there. Every single one of us is flawed in some way or another. It's what makes us unique.

Weight Loss: Finding Time to Exercise

Written by Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

Exercising During Commercials

I'm getting up an hour earlier these days. At first I said I'd never be able to do it: I was already sleep deprived rising at 6 AM how would I ever get up at 5 AM? I'd never be able to get to sleep earlier (this is still true), and a hundred other reasons why it wouldn't work. And then I tried it, and it does work. I'm still sleep deprived, but that extra hour inrepparttar morning is a Godsend. I love it.

How do you Present Ideas to Yourself?

So why did it take me so long to "just do it?" Probablyrepparttar 114851 way I presentedrepparttar 114852 idea to myself. Notice I used words such as "never" and "already" as in "I'm already sleep deprived." I kept telling myself it wouldn't work, that it was a bad idea and untilrepparttar 114853 first time I actually tried it, I secretly believed whenrepparttar 114854 alarm rang, I'd just turn it off and go back to sleep. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy getting up early. Mornings are my best time of day. I'mrepparttar 114855 most productive inrepparttar 114856 morning so it makes sense to give myself an extra hour.

I Don't Have Time to Exercise

Sometimes a small adjustment in how you run your day can help enormously in freeing up some time for things like exercise. "I don't have time." I hear that a lot, but if asked, "What's your favorite TV show?" most people can list a few -- hours spent sitting and watching. There's nothing wrong with enjoying some TV, but there's also no reason you can't exercise duringrepparttar 114857 commercials.

When I was a kid and it was my turn to cleanrepparttar 114858 house, I made a game out of it. I loved TV, watching probably six or seven hours a day then, so missing a show to clean was not going to happen. So I'd clean during commercials. Today there are over 20 minutes of commercial time during each hour ofrepparttar 114859 show. That's plenty of time for getting things done. As soon asrepparttar 114860 show broke for commercial, I'd jump from my chair and dash to wherever I'd left off. I'd bring in laundry and fold it while I watched. I'd iron in front ofrepparttar 114861 TV, I'd bring in piles of miscellaneous debris from other rooms and sort it into piles for where it belonged, then onrepparttar 114862 next commercial I'd go put things away.

I'd move from one room torepparttar 114863 next, carrying things that belonged there with me, and returning with things that did not. Eventuallyrepparttar 114864 house was clean, and hadn't missed my programs.

If you enjoy TV, consider how much time there is available duringrepparttar 114865 commercials and start using it. Whether for exercise or cleaning, or anything else you need to get done: responding to correspondence, studying, paying bills, groomingrepparttar 114866 cat - there are lots of little chores we need to do, no reason we can't carry them into our TV room and get them done.

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