Stem Cell Research

Written by Gerald Armstrong

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Stem Cell Research

How To Buy Your Way Out Of An Early Death From An Incurable Disease.

How?... With Private Stem Cell Research, of course!…Stem cell research holds more than hope for cures. The jury is in on stem cell research. Stem cell research can offer a cure for your incurable illness. With private stem cell research a personal cure for an ill patient can be accelerated. With every michroscope inrepparttar 114512 lab tuned into your unique disease a rapid cure is guaranteed. Private stem cell research forrepparttar 114513 wealthy (that will eventually lead to cures for everyone) has arrived!

So now you are all relaxed about your health’s future because some countries such as Switzerland and some American states such as California are beginning to endorse stem cell research. We too are excited about this ground breaking research. Unfortunately these researchers will be working with one hand tied behind their back because these countries and California are working with restrictive legislation that forbids or impedesrepparttar 114514 cloning of human embryos. That’s like giving them permission to buildrepparttar 114515 fastest car inrepparttar 114516 world but withrepparttar 114517 restriction of not allowing them to put a motor inrepparttar 114518 car!

That’s whyrepparttar 114519 major new cures for cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other incurable diseases will ultimately come from small offshore labs working without restrictive legislation fromrepparttar 114520 western world. Thank God forrepparttar 114521 sake of our health that there is a world outsiderepparttar 114522 United States andrepparttar 114523 Western countries. The number one lab inrepparttar 114524 world offering excellence in medical research is Gen Cells Cures owned by Gerald Armstrong. Our motto is “Have Michroscope will travel” When a government gets inrepparttar 114525 way of our life –saving research we will pack up our michroscopes and move on.

When Alexander Grahm Bell patented his telephone in 1876 it wasrepparttar 114526 difference of a half turn of a screw that put him inrepparttar 114527 patent office before Elisha Gray. With only one company inrepparttar 114528 Grand Unites States openly working on therapeutic cloning,repparttar 114529 U.S.A. is left inrepparttar 114530 dust where innovative research and future cures are concerned.The U.S. was once atrepparttar 114531 forefront of medicine and technology, research and innovation, cures and prevention. Nowrepparttar 114532 job falls intorepparttar 114533 hands ofrepparttar 114534 few working outside America. In many casesrepparttar 114535 work will be done by Americans. Evenrepparttar 114536 Korean’s who first clonedrepparttar 114537 human embryo had help from steady American hands, butrepparttar 114538 work was done in Korea by Koreans, not in America by Americans. We here at Gen Cells Cures have found thatrepparttar 114539 Korean’s new technique of squeezing outrepparttar 114540 DNA fromrepparttar 114541 egg cell works much better than sucking outrepparttar 114542 DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievement. The only American company working openly with therapeutic cloning research inrepparttar 114543 country is Advanced Cell Tech. Whenrepparttar 114544 cure comes it will likely come from Gen Cells Cures or some other little basement lab out inrepparttar 114545 middle of nowhere. Gen Cells Cures wantsrepparttar 114546 opportunity to find cures for major incurable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimers disease, diabetes and other dreaded incurable diseases. The only problem with Gen Cells Cures and Advanced Cell Tech is that both of these biotechs are always running out ofrepparttar 114547 money needed to dorepparttar 114548 research. Getting private funding is like pulling teeth. It’s not easy work. The cure cannot come fromrepparttar 114549 western world with restrictive legislation backed by ignorance and obscurantism. All that controversy over a stem cell smaller thanrepparttar 114550 period atrepparttar 114551 end of this sentence. Even if stem cell research (with it’s restrictive limitations) had allrepparttar 114552 funding inrepparttar 114553 world there will not be a cure found until allrepparttar 114554 research is completed and that includesrepparttar 114555 therapeutic cloning stem cell research. Through out history their have always been those people with dark age thinking who have held back scientific progress. Sadly, US President, George Bush is a victim of such limited thinking. Gen Cells Cures michroscopes already have Alexander Grahm Bell’s half turn ofrepparttar 114556 screw built in for success with no U.S. competition.

Foods for fighting Cancer

Written by Christopher Yorston

Fruit is recognised as one ofrepparttar most powerful foods for helpingrepparttar 114511 body fight Cancer. Surprisingly,repparttar 114512 homely prune isrepparttar 114513 fruit withrepparttar 114514 highest cancer-fighting powers. Previously it was believed that oranges and spinach wererepparttar 114515 best anti-cancer fruit and vegetables. The research team, from Tufts University in Boston, has releasedrepparttar 114516 results of its study onrepparttar 114517 Internet. Researchers measured fruits and vegetables for their oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) which isrepparttar 114518 capacity of foods to absorb free radicals. Free radicals are destructive elements which occur in our bodies when healthy oxygen molecules are transformed into a highly-reactive, unstable form of oxygen. It is believed that they can lead to illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. Anti-oxidants however, can neutralise these free radicals.

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