Stay in the know with Google SMS

Written by Jakob Jelling

The Short Messaging Service (SMS) from Google sends short, quick, text answers in response to your queries from an SMS-enabled mobile device, such as a cell phone. For example, you can look up phone numbers and addresses of local restaurants, do local phone book searches, compare prices from online merchants in Froogle to those you find in local stores, even look up definitions of words fromrepparttar dictionary.

SMS has long been a common means of mobile communication in Europe. It has been available inrepparttar 118534 US for some time, but hasn't been widely used. You don't need a phone with a web browser to use Google's SMS. Sincerepparttar 118535 information is transmitted as text only, without graphics, onlyrepparttar 118536 ability to send and receive SMS messages is needed. At present,repparttar 118537 service is only available only in English, through major US wireless carriers like AT&T, Nextel, Sprint, and T-Mobile. Your service plan must allow for SMS messaging also. Use of SMS doesn't generally count against minutes under most plans, but both your SMS to Google andrepparttar 118538 answer received from Google will typically count towards messages allowed.

10 Tips to Improve Your Shopping Cart

Written by Barry Harrison

Whether you call it a shopping cart, a basket or a bag,repparttar process of completing a purchase on your site has to be as simple and pleasant as you can make it. And you MUST offerrepparttar 118533 assurances your customers need to reduce their security concerns.

1. Let customers know where they are inrepparttar 118534 process. Numberrepparttar 118535 steps inrepparttar 118536 checkout process, and clearly labelrepparttar 118537 task for every step. Allow shoppers to review what they did in previous steps and return torepparttar 118538 current step if they do go back.

2. Include a link torepparttar 118539 product detail page. Shoppers may want to make sure they selectedrepparttar 118540 right item before they complete their purchase. They shouldn’t have to navigate using their “BACK” button.

3. Add pictures inrepparttar 118541 shopping cart. Including a thumbnail image ofrepparttar 118542 product withinrepparttar 118543 shopping cart has been shown to increaserepparttar 118544 conversion rate by as much as 10 percent.

4. Makerepparttar 118545 next step obvious. Include prominent "Next Step" buttons on every checkout page. Be sure thatrepparttar 118546 button you want shoppers to click on isrepparttar 118547 most obvious item onrepparttar 118548 page.

5. Make changes easy. It should be simple for shoppers to changerepparttar 118549 quantity or delete items from their shopping cart.

6. Keep it friendly. If information is missing or incorrect, provide an error message that helpsrepparttar 118550 shopper understandrepparttar 118551 problem and how to correct it. But never blame him for making a mistake.

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