Stay Out of the Sun!

Written by Stephen Bucaro

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Stay Out ofrepparttar 115225 Sun!

By Stephen Bucaro

Scientists believe life on earth started inrepparttar 115226 sea. That's because beforerepparttar 115227 appearance ofrepparttar 115228 ozone layer,repparttar 115229 surface ofrepparttar 115230 earth was bathed in life destroying ultraviolet radiation.

Ozone is a form of oxygen. Whereas, a normal oxygen molecule consists of two oxygen atoms bound together, ozone is three oxygen atoms bound together. Ozone is much less common than normal oxygen. Out of two million oxygen molecules, only three are ozone. Ozone inrepparttar 115231 stratosphere absorbs ultraviolet radiation, making it safe for life onrepparttar 115232 surface ofrepparttar 115233 earth.

Ozone molecules inrepparttar 115234 stratosphere are constantly forming and breaking up. Industrial development has causedrepparttar 115235 release of chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs inrepparttar 115236 stratosphere act as a catalyst, breaking down ozone molecules. CFC molecules are extremely stable. One CFC molecule can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules.

CFCs are causing ozone to be destroyed faster than it is created. This has causedrepparttar 115237 ozone layer to become thinner. In fact, a hole inrepparttar 115238 ozone layer has opened up over Antarctica. In 2000,repparttar 115239 ozone hole measured 32.9 million square kilometers and extended over populated areas of Australia.

Exposure torepparttar 115240 ultraviolet radiation in sunlight can result in a skin cancer called "melanoma". According torepparttar 115241 American cancer Society, each year more than a million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed. Melanoma is a highly invasive form of cancer. Even after treatment, a melanoma can metastasize. Once a melanoma has metastasized, it rarely responds to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The life expectancy of an individual with metastasized melanoma is only a few months, and over 10,000 people die of skin cancer each year.

Many people like to take off their clothes and lay out inrepparttar 115242 sun for hours, thinking sunscreen lotion will protect them. They followrepparttar 115243 recommendation of using a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15. However, sweat will causerepparttar 115244 sunscreen to wash off and become blotchy, allowing exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

How a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Help Your Entire Family

Written by Henri Schauffler

How a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Help Your Entire Family

The latest challenging fact to be learned aboutrepparttar great American obesity problem is that among children,repparttar 115222 number of clinically obese children has doubled inrepparttar 115223 last two decades, according torepparttar 115224 National Institutes of Health (NIH). In fact, by 2002, NIH says that one in five children inrepparttar 115225 US is overweight.

Obese children are also developing diseases like Type 2 Diabetes that used to only occur in adults. And overweight kids tend to become overweight adults, continuing to put them at greater risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Perhaps potentially more devastating is that children who are teased a lot can develop low self-esteem and depression.

There are many households in which not only one or more children are obese, but frequently one or both parents are also obese. Many parents are also at risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Even members of a household who do not have these problems will benefit from a low carb lifestyle because all Americans are far too dependent on processed sugar and carbohydrates, putting all of us at risk for obesity and myriad other health problems. Does any of this sound like you?

What’s a concerned parent to do?

Adopt The Five Keys to Low Carb Success for your whole family. I sincerely hope you know by now thatrepparttar 115226 first is “Information.” Find ways for whole family learnrepparttar 115227 principles of health according to low carb, including evenrepparttar 115228 members of your household who may not be obese. At least those needing a lifestyle change should learn as much as they can about low carb – and LowCarb-Lifestyles.Com helps us do that.

The Second Key is “Motivation.” We advise our members to find ways to motivate themselves whenrepparttar 115229 going gets tough. Motivation helps us answer important internal questions for ourselves, such as, “Why am I really doing this – what’srepparttar 115230 payoff?” “Why do I need to stayrepparttar 115231 course?” “Who benefits from my being healthy, trim and peaceful besides me – do I have a responsibility to anyone else?” In a household setting you can go through this process and then show your children how to dorepparttar 115232 same. Thenrepparttar 115233 whole family can pledge their goals to each other at a special family meeting.

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