Starting An E-Commerce Business

Written by Danna Henderson

The development and expansion ofrepparttar Internet has made business opportunities, once only available torepparttar 108565 wealthy, available to nearly everyone. Inrepparttar 108566 past, opening a business was a huge commitment in terms of finances and risk. Traditional business owners had to quitrepparttar 108567 their current jobs, obtain bank financing, and sign leases before they even made a penny. It’s easy to see why 95% of them failed within five years. Today, business opportunities are available to anyone willing to put inrepparttar 108568 time and effort to learn aboutrepparttar 108569 world of e-commerce. Best of all, you can start an e-commerce business with minimal funds and very little risk. This guide will take you thoughrepparttar 108570 steps necessary to start your own e-commerce business.

Find Your Niche

The first step to creating your own e-commerce business is to find you niche. Examine your hobbies and interests for potential business ideas. If you love soccer, consider selling soccer supplies or team uniforms online. You may also consider opening a business that is similar to your current job. For example, as a nurse you may know a lot about medical supplies and how hospitals obtain them. You could start a medical supply business. Your contacts and industry knowledge could give you an advantage over a competitor who does not knowrepparttar 108571 inner-workings of hospitalsrepparttar 108572 way you do.

Research The Demand

Now that you have a few business ideas, it’s time to researchrepparttar 108573 demand for your products or services. If you plan to sell torepparttar 108574 general public, you’ll want to find out how many people are looking for your products or services. As a small business owner, you will not haverepparttar 108575 marketing funds to create a demand for a product. The products you sell, must already be in demand. A great way to determine product demand is to see how many people are searching for a specific product. Overture has a wonderful keyword tool ( that displaysrepparttar 108576 number of searches for specific keywords. It will give you a good idea of which products are popular andrepparttar 108577 specific keywords you should target when building your website.

Scope Out Your Soon-To-Be Competitors

Before settling on a business idea, scope out your would-be competitors. Visit their websites and comparerepparttar 108578 following:

· Professional Look & Feel

· Products and Services

· Search Engine Ranking

· Page Rank (Available onrepparttar 108579 Google Tool Bar)

· Keywords

· Back Links (how many sites link to them).

You’ll need to know your competitor’s websites inside and out. Spend some time exploring each one. This will give you an idea of what you’re up against. Keep in mind, that your website will need to be equally as professional or better than theirs. Don’t worry if you don’t think you haverepparttar 108580 technical skills necessary to create a professional website. The use of professional website templates will be explained later.

While you’re researching your competitors, check to see ifrepparttar 108581 products you intend to sell are sold at large department stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, and It is very difficult for a small business to compete with these large companies becauserepparttar 108582 profit margins are extremely low. You’ll need to sell products that are in demand, but aren’t sold by corporate giants.

Establish A Business Entity

In order to conduct business, you need to establish a business entity. Fortunately this can be as easy as filing a “Doing Business As” or “Fictitious Name” form with your local County Clerk’s office to become a sole proprietor. When you arrive atrepparttar 108583 County Clerk’s office, they will check their records to make sure your intended business name is not already in use. If it’s available, you will need to completerepparttar 108584 appropriate forms and pay your filing fee. Each state has different requirements. Check with your state for requirements on becoming a sole proprietor.

You will also need a sales tax id. You will need to charge sales taxes inrepparttar 108585 state where your business resides. Contact your county office for details about sales tax ID’s and any other requirements they may have.

Open A Business Bank Account

Now that you are a legitimate business owner, it’s time to open a business bank account. Take your court documents torepparttar 108586 bank and open a business checking account. Most banks offer a variety of business accounts. Chooserepparttar 108587 onerepparttar 108588 best meets your needs. It’s usually best to start with their least expensive account because it could be a while before you start earning revenue. You can always upgrade inrepparttar 108589 future.

Some banks require a business owner to wait specified amount of time, usually 90 days, afterrepparttar 108590 court documents are filed before opening a business bank account. These rules are in place to help prevent fraud. Check with your bank to obtain waiting period information.

Choose A Domain Name

While you wait to open a bank account, you can start building your website. First, register a domain name. Names that end in “.com” are best. If possible your, domain name should include one or more of your target keywords. For example, if you are creating a yoga supply business, you’ll want to choose a name withrepparttar 108591 word yoga, such as,, or

Create Your Website

One ofrepparttar 108592 keys to successful e-commerce businesses is a professional website. Your website isrepparttar 108593 first and oftenrepparttar 108594 only impression your visitors will have of your business. A professional website can berepparttar 108595 difference between your visitors viewing you as a home-based business operating out of your garage and a multi-million dollar business with hundreds of employees. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a web programmer to create a professional website. There are companies that sell professional website templates. You can get website templates for free, but it’s much better to pay for a highly professional template. To find these templates, simply search for “website templates”. You should expect to pay $50 – $150 for a good template with multiple pages and professional images.

Choosing an Ecommerce Shopping Cart

Written by Danna Henderson

Choosing an online shopping cart is a big decision. Unlike a traditional brick and mortar business, your website is your only chance to impress potential customers. It needs to project a professional image to capturerepparttar trust of your visitors. The shopping cart is a particularly important part of your website because it deals with people’s personal information and credit card numbers. People are nervous about online purchases and need to be assured that they are giving their credit card numbers to a reputable company.

There are several types of ecommerce shopping carts available. They range from merchant services, which require no programming skills, to fully integrated shopping carts that require custom programming. The three main categories of shopping carts are:

Merchant services such as eBay and 2Checkout

Hosted shopping cart services

Fully integrated shopping carts

Merchant Services

Most shopping carts require you to have your own merchant account and gateway. A merchant account is a bank account that allows a business to conduct credit card transactions andrepparttar 108564 gateway allowsrepparttar 108565 transaction to be conducted over a secure connection. It’s okay if you don’t have a merchant account or gateway. Merchant service shopping carts allow you to use their merchant account, gateway and shopping cart for a higher cost.

Merchant services are beneficial for very small businesses or those that are just starting and don’t have a lot of orders. Merchant services providerepparttar 108566 merchant account, gateway, hosted shopping cart and will maintain your customer’s personal information. They usually require a set-up fee between 50 and 200 dollars, transaction fee between 30 and 75 cents, and 5% to 10% of each transaction. Because you are using their merchant account, your customer’s credit card statement will showrepparttar 108567 merchant services business name not yours. In some cases, customers will not recognizerepparttar 108568 charge and may dispute it.

Merchant service shopping carts have an administrative interface, which allows you to login to your account to add products, prices and shipping options. The shopping cart generatesrepparttar 108569 html forrepparttar 108570 purchase buttons and you simply copy and pasterepparttar 108571 html into your web pages. When your customer clicks onrepparttar 108572 purchase button, he is taken to another website to enterrepparttar 108573 credit card information. This indicates torepparttar 108574 customer that you are a small business. Some potential customers will abandonrepparttar 108575 shopping cart rather than enter their credit card information on a website they know nothing about.

Once your business grows torepparttar 108576 point where you are processing over $1000 a month, it’s more cost effective to apply for your own merchant account and switch to either a hosted shopping cart (little or no programming) or a fully integrated shopping cart (programming required).

Hosted Shopping Cart

The hosted shopping cart is a great solution for a small business that is processing over $1000 a month but does not haverepparttar 108577 resources to create or customize a fully integrated shopping cart. Hosted shopping carts are similar torepparttar 108578 merchant services because they provide an administrative interface for you to enter products, pricing and shipping options. They will generaterepparttar 108579 html forrepparttar 108580 purchase buttons, which can be copied and pasted into your html pages.

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