Starting A Home-Based Business

Written by Kirk Bannerman

There are numerous reasons why people choose to start a home-based business. Some of those reasons include:

1. Dissatisfied with their present employment situation.

2. Out of work due to being laid off or downsizing by their employer.

3. A need to be home more with young children, an infirm family member, or aging parents. 4. A yearning to be their own boss. Whatever your particular reason for exploring a home-based business, there are a few common steps you need to take in order to launch your business.

First off, you need to come to grips with realistic in your expectations. Far too many folks read advertisements that are hype and imply quick money, and lots of it, from a home-based business start-up. It will certainly take a year, and in some cases it may take up to three years, before you begin to truly make a significant profit from your business.

I have helped a large number of people start up their own home-based businesses usingrepparttar Internet. Over time, I have come to recognize two ofrepparttar 117135 most important factors for identifying people that should NOT start a home based business. If a prospective entrepreneur says something like...

"I'm broke and need to make some money, fast!"


"I want to start a home-based business, but I don't want to spend anything on it until after I start earning some money." is certain that they have not addressed reality and, with that mindset, they will most certainly fail.

It takes a lot of time to successfully market and promote a new business. If you are planning a home-based business in order to spend a lot of time with young children or care forrepparttar 117136 elderly, a full-time business (and income) may not be a realistic objective.

Second, spend some time researching your business idea. Make sure there is truly enough of a market for your product or service. It's easy to fall intorepparttar 117137 trap of having a hobby or passion for something that you like to do and just assuming that you can turn it into an economically viable business.

9 Pointer for Evaluating a Business Proposal

Written by Ray Burton

Finding a business opportunity onrepparttar net is easy. But evaluatingrepparttar 117134 right one for you, takes a little knowledge. With so many scams, takers and failed ventures you need a little more than the, "highest dollar forrepparttar 117135 least amount of work" approach. So what should you look for when evaluating an opportunity? Here are 9 pointers.

1. Is it legal? Do they have a product? Many programs onrepparttar 117136 net are simply "money movers" with no real products. If this isrepparttar 117137 case then it's probably illegal simple as that. If you are serious about developing an online reputation for quality and reliability, then don't even entertainrepparttar 117138 idea of quick easy money. It will catch up with you! Do they know and followrepparttar 117139 law concerning matters such as CAN SPAM and other website legalities? There is no excuse for ignorance onrepparttar 117140 net! Do your home work and check out: Do a search onrepparttar 117141 names ofrepparttar 117142 owners and founders ofrepparttar 117143 products.

2. Does their product have value and advantage? Isrepparttar 117144 product something that people want withrepparttar 117145 potential for repeat sales giving value for money at a competitive price? Do your homework. Searchrepparttar 117146 net for equivalent products and do a price comparison. Does it offer a marketing advantage of some kind? What arerepparttar 117147 selling benefits ofrepparttar 117148 product over their competitors? If they don't have a marketing advantage why would anyone buy their products?

3. Is it residual? The best opportunities arerepparttar 117149 ones that have a growing industry and ideally repeat sales. Make sure if you are marketing a product that you getrepparttar 117150 benefit ofrepparttar 117151 repeat sales. This is called residual income. If you are expected to find customers but only getrepparttar 117152 benefit ofrepparttar 117153 first sale, this is unethical and unfair. It is a good idea to evaluate what % is paid back in commissions forrepparttar 117154 cost ofrepparttar 117155 product or service. All good opportunities pay back an absolute minimum of 20%. Decide you are worth at least that much to them.

4. How long will it pay? The world is a fast changing place. The cyberworld is even faster! Ask yourself where willrepparttar 117156 product be in 12 months, 2, and 5 years downrepparttar 117157 track? This is particularly important for digital and information products. Ask yourselfrepparttar 117158 same aboutrepparttar 117159 company. Are they around for a quick buck or do they have a plan to establish long term commerce? Will they develop or keep up with new technologies to maintain a competitive edge? If this information is not readily available on their website, ask them. If they are not planners then they will not survive

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