Start here...first principles (C)

Written by Terry Dashner

Start here…first principles (C.)

Terry Dashner…………..Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

Remember Pilate’s words to Jesus? I think it’s rather ironic that a mere mortal man would askrepparttar very Truth of Life, “What is truth?” It’s obvious that Pilate couldn’t handlerepparttar 143402 truth, even if it had been given to him in simple reply. With that said, let’s review truth once again.

By definition, truth is an expression, symbol, or statement that matches or corresponds to its object or referent (i.e., that to which it refers, whether it is an abstract idea or a concrete thing). Whenrepparttar 143403 statement or expression is about reality, it must correspond to reality in order to be true. Yet there are so many statements and views of reality; why should Christians believe that they haverepparttar 143404 only correct view? Shouldn’t people interpret reality for themselves and personally decide what is true on an individual basis? When it comes to religion, isn’t truth a matter of preference and therefore relative? [Norman Geisler and Peter Bocchino, Unshakable Foundations, (Bethany House: Minneapolis, Minnesota) p.33]

Is truth relative? Relativistic thinking has influenced us so much that it is now considered anti-intellectual to believe in absolute truth. The Christian’s belief in absolute truth andrepparttar 143405 God ofrepparttar 143406 Bible is not usually tolerated in secular intellectual settings. There is generally tremendous pressure exerted by peers, colleagues, educators, and unbelieving friends to get Christians to abandon their beliefs and to acceptrepparttar 143407 idea that their narrow-minded thinking isrepparttar 143408 same mindset that ultimately causes travesties likerepparttar 143409 medieval Crusades and all kinds of persecution. They are classified as intolerant bigots who can only see things their own way and refuse to acceptrepparttar 143410 views of others. [Ibid, p.35]

That’s a shame because truth is absolute and very tolerant. The problem for some is that truth is larger than our understanding of its holistic properties. For example, there is an old parable about six blind Hindus touching an elephant. One blind man touchedrepparttar 143411 side ofrepparttar 143412 elephant and said it was a wall. Another blind man touchedrepparttar 143413 ear and said it was a large leaf of a tree. Yet another blind man was holding a leg and thought it was a tree trunk. Still another blind man took hold ofrepparttar 143414 elephant’s trunk and said it was a snake. Someone else was touchingrepparttar 143415 elephants tusk and believed it to be a spear. Another blind man hadrepparttar 143416 elephant’s tail in his hand and was calling it a rope. Allrepparttar 143417 blind men were touchingrepparttar 143418 same reality but were understanding it differently. They all hadrepparttar 143419 right to interpret what they were touching in their own personal way, yet it wasrepparttar 143420 same elephant.

Near Death Experiences : Is there a Logical Explanation?

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Inrepparttar August edition of Reader's Digest, I stumbled upon a compelling article, "After Life," by Anita Bartholomew. The article takes an intricate look intorepparttar 143372 controversial world of "after life" or "near death experiences." I found myself being hurled intorepparttar 143373 riveting article like a child in a candy store. In Ms. Bartholomew's revealing summary, van Lommel (a British researcher) made an interesting statement, "You can comparerepparttar 143374 brain to a TV set. The TV program is not in your TV set." Thus, where liesrepparttar 143375 consciousness?

Modern scientists cannot explain NDEs, or in my opinion-- do not want to accept it. What is a Near Death Experience? An NDE is an experience which may include feeling of being outside of one's physical body. The person may move through a form of darkness or tunnel. He or she may meet deceased loved ones and even other entities. However, most recall an indescribalbe light that seemingly beckons them. Some NDEs are beautiful and peaceful, while others can be terrifying or unpleasant. In any event, most cases of NDEs result in a life-altering transformation.

While some believe that NDEs dramatically prove life after death, others seem to think a near death experience is a hallucination whichrepparttar 143376 brain manifests in itself when pushed to extreme limits. What has been discovered is that different cultures, do in fact, experience similar episodes of NDEs. The only differential in other regions ofrepparttar 143377 globe is that where one may see light here, others may see tall buildings or even stars. This, of course, transcends multi-diverse belief systems and how things or events are viewed in relation to NDEs.

Ultimately, what one person sees, hears or experiences during an NDE is entirely uprepparttar 143378 individual's own belief system. Many persons may never have a near death experience because their own belief systems do not allow these thought patterns to channel their own mind; therefore, what you or I value or have learned to be recognitive of does not always apply in NDEs.

Do NDEs prove that life after death does in fact -- exist? Again, we encounterrepparttar 143379 problematic belief system. Religious groups remain divided as some believe NDEs support life after death. Other religious groups rejectrepparttar 143380 notion of an NDE because it falls in line with "the devil's work." Scientists, of course arerepparttar 143381 universal skeptics. While most do not accept near death experience, some actually do. But how they perceive NDE may be quite different than what one would expect. Some scientists agree that an NDE may be an "outer body experience," but only caused by natural chemicals produced byrepparttar 143382 brain that merely concoct hallucinogenic properties.

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