Start a Conversation and Make a Friend

Written by Michael Page

Many people are shy and just don’t seem to be able to start a conversation or keep it going. Well it’s actually quite a simple skill and is easily learnt. So learn how to get chatting and make a new friend. You may even meet someone special.

Here are a few useful tips to get you going:

Tip 1 - Don’t talk about yourself until prompted to byrepparttar other person. People who talk about themselves too much often come across as being boring and conceited.

Tip 2 - Introduce yourself properly early on. You make a good first impression and avoidrepparttar 131019 embarrassment of having to ask later, or having to introduce your new friend to someone else not knowing their name.

Tip 3 - Use their name often. People respond well torepparttar 131020 sound of their own name. It also shows that you are listening to them and that you value their company and opinion.

Tip 4 - Ask open-ended questions. “What is your name?” or “ What isrepparttar 131021 time?” are questions that require a specific and generally short answer. An open-ended question is one that does not require a specific answer, and promptsrepparttar 131022 other person to continue or to tell you more. “In what way…” or “Why do you say…” and “When you said… did you mean…“ are examples. Open ended questions often use words like why or how, and not who, where or when.

Tip 5 - Focus your attention onrepparttar 131023 other person and listen carefully, showing your interest. The other person will constantly reveal bits of important personal information. This will provide you with further topics for open-ended questions allowing you to keep repparttar 131024 conversation going and show your interest. Good listeners are always regarded by others as great company, no matter how little they actually say!

Coaching is Like Gardening

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

"A garden inrepparttar early stage is not a pleasant or compelling place: it's a lot of arduous, messy, noisome work -- digging uprepparttar 131017 hard ground, putting inrepparttar 131018 fertilizer, along withrepparttar 131019 seeds and seedlings. So with beginning a story or novel." --Ted Solotaroff

That's likerepparttar 131020 beginning of coaching, too.


This is whenrepparttar 131021 client starts working on getting rid of tolerations. These are things we put up with that need to go -- a messy car, torn wallpaper, a negative 'friend,' a bad job, an impossible marriage.

It's typical to have a year's worth of work. It looks awesome at first, but just gettingrepparttar 131022 first things offrepparttar 131023 list gives a lot of momentum.


This is getting rid of obstacles. Sometimes they're self-imposed, like pessimism, or low self-esteem. Or mayberepparttar 131024 inability to generate options, or financial obstacles.

For one of my clients, Jen, it was getting over her obsession about her ex-husband. "You told me that wasrepparttar 131025 obstacle," she said. "You can't believerepparttar 131026 energy it freed up once I got over him."

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