Start Your e-Business Right!

Written by Armand Melanson

Start Your e-Business Right! Copyright 2002 By Armand Melanson Ever wonder why 90% - that's 9 of 10 - small business ventures fail miserably? And what wasrepparttar single successful entrepreneur's secret to success? The answer is so simple that it bogglesrepparttar 121269 mind! How can so many people miss it: SELL WHAT PEOPLE WANT! Crazy isn't it. But most people getting into business decide what they will sell without really considering how much demand there is. Always identify an existing market, then pick products & services to meet that demand!!! And today it's easier than ever to find out how much demand there is for a given product without spending a dime. You start by picking a target market like health, biz ops, security products, or whatever you are interested in selling. Once you haverepparttar 121270 market picked, you identify 6-12 products which fit that market. Then you sit down & you write outrepparttar 121271 most important keywords & phrases that people will likely use to find these products onrepparttar 121272 web. Once you have your list, you're ready to testrepparttar 121273 demand. Go to

"The Power Of CGI Forms" (Part 3)

Written by Larry Johnson

This isrepparttar third in a series of "How-to-do-it" articles forrepparttar 121268 beginner or pro online. It outlinesrepparttar 121269 resources for making CGI Forms.

In our previous article we discussedrepparttar 121270 power of using CGI forms andrepparttar 121271 importance of them to your site for many of your daily tasks.

Forms have a variety of potential uses. Among them are:

-- Sales --Subscriptions --Requests for information --Surveys --Questionnaires --and many other potential uses

This article details some resources for developing your own CGI forms for your site.

Creating your own forms can be both fun and intimidating. There are several steps to creating a form and getting it to function correctly.

The basic construction of an html form is this...

begin a form ask for information in several ways ...there can be as many input areas as you want.
end a form

Of course, there is a lot more to creating forms than that simple bit of HTML.

Here are some great resources for learning how to do forms: utor/forms/start.shtml utors/forms.html ools/cgi_installation/index.html

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