I don't know about anyone else but I have had it with this ridiculous assertion that President Bush was AWOL from The National Guard in 1972. The President had provided proof in 2000 that this was not true and now is again having to provide proof in 2004 of
same. Enough already. The President has responded to his critics and should close
book on this issue.They will not stop. A news article released just today quotes Terry McAuliffe, chairman of
DNC as saying:
"The fact remains that there is still no evidence that George W. Bush showed up for duty as ordered while in Alabama," McAuliffe said
The records, some being released for
first time, didn't satisfy Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe. He argued that
payroll and summary service records posed more questions than they answered.
McAuliffe continues to try and resurrect this issue even after officials say that Bush's service is satisfactory:
"This paperwork doesn't say where he was or what type of training he conducted," said Lt. Col. Scott Gorske, a military fellow at
Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "What it does say is
days that he did train and that he got paid."
He said National Guard members are not necessarily required to attend a drill each month, but rather to train a certain amount of time over a 12-month period. That is why Bush could have met his yearly service requirements even if there were some months in which he did not attend a drill, Gorske said.
Folks, President Bush received an HONORABLE DISCHARGE from
National Guard. You would think with
DNC is on this ridiculous ranting that
President received a dishonorable discharge. I might understand their tenacity if that was
case, but it isn't.
Quite frankly
questions were asked and answered in 2000.
So, President Bush is not a war hero, Oh, okay, so that means that he shouldn't be President ? What a ridiculous thought that is. Especially after Slick Willie was elected and was President for eight years, and never served in ANY military capacity at all, and as a matter of fact, dodged
draft by going to England to protest, er, I mean get an education at Oxford University.
When President George H.W. Bush, in 1992, alluded to
fact that Clinton never served in
military and in fact dodged
draft, it was John Kerry who chastised
President for calling attention to
fact and stated that military service didn't matter. Now all of a sudden if you are not a war hero you are not qualified to be President. Funny we didn't hear from McAuliffe on Clinton's military career, oh that's right I forgot, he doesn't have one.
And, as for our current soon to be democratic Presidential nominee, yes he was a war hero, yes he saved a few lives, but how many lives were lost as a result of him and Hanoi Jane by giving aid and comfort to
enemy by protesting and calling America's Vietnam Vets, murderers, rapists, and Ghingas Khans. How about Mr. Phoney baloney, throwing away his, oops I mean, someone else's medals in Washington. His are still on his wall. How genuine is that, and later on in life he now reveres those medals, why don't
rest of
veterans who actually threw theirs away speak out .