Stair Lifts - Straight and Curved Rails

Written by Christian Dunnage

There are two types of stairlift. Straight and curved. The first is designed for straight stairs. The footrest ofrepparttar lift will normally stop level withrepparttar 136683 top stair. It may be possible to use a straight stairlift on some configurations of curved stairs.

The second, and generally far more expensive type, is a 'made to measure' or 'curved track stairlift' which can travel around bends onrepparttar 136684 stairs and can be made to run on torepparttar 136685 landing. Prices vary according torepparttar 136686 length ofrepparttar 136687 stairs,repparttar 136688 number of bends andrepparttar 136689 complexity ofrepparttar 136690 bends.

It is worth noting that although far more expensive,repparttar 136691 resale value is negligible, asrepparttar 136692 rail is made to measure and can only be re-installed on an identical staircase.

Curved track stairlifts can be fitted on either side ofrepparttar 136693 stairs,repparttar 136694 layout of your staircase will determine which is most suitable. If you need a curved track stairlift you will need to pay a deposit torepparttar 136695 company that you are dealing with. This will normally be about 30% ofrepparttar 136696 cost ofrepparttar 136697 lift. The deposit is required becauserepparttar 136698 company are committing themselves to building a stairlift rail that will only fit into your house. You should not have to pay a large deposit if you order a standard straight lift as these can usually be adapted to suit another staircase.

Hinged Rail Stair Lifts

Written by Christian Dunnage

If a door atrepparttar top orrepparttar 136682 bottom ofrepparttar 136683 stairs may be blocked byrepparttar 136684 rail ofrepparttar 136685 stairlift, there are a number of models designed to overcome this problem. Some manufacturers are able to produce a rail with reduced overhang upstairs, sorepparttar 136686 lift will not protrude as far intorepparttar 136687 hallway. This may solverepparttar 136688 problem atrepparttar 136689 top of your stairs and is a very cost effective solution.

If there is a door or passageway atrepparttar 136690 bottom ofrepparttar 136691 stairs then it is likely that you will need a folding track or hinged rail stairlift. This means thatrepparttar 136692 bottom section ofrepparttar 136693 rail can be folded out ofrepparttar 136694 way whenrepparttar 136695 lift is not being used. This will allow you to gain access to a door that would be blocked by a normal rail and also means that there is no tripping hazard if you have an open hallway downstairs.

The hinged rail option is available from most suppliers butrepparttar 136696 cost and quality can vary greatly. Seek independent advice and consider if you would be able to foldrepparttar 136697 rail manually or if you would require powered operation. Most people do needrepparttar 136698 powered version asrepparttar 136699 mechanism can be quite heavy. Unfortunately these options will add torepparttar 136700 cost ofrepparttar 136701 lift.

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