Stabilizing the Core to Eliminate Low-Back Pain

Written by Rich Lauro

Stabilizingrepparttar Core to Eliminate Low-Back Pain

By Rich Lauro MAT, MES, PRS

This isrepparttar 112958 first article of a series of articles to follow. In this article I will be addressing one ofrepparttar 112959 main core stabilizing muscles ofrepparttar 112960 lumbar spine and its role in back pain, as well as specific exercises that should be performed to prevent and recover faster from your back pain. You should make these exercises part of your everyday routine, just like brushing your teeth.

Words of wisdom before performing these exercises:

· Consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program or if you're experiencing radiating pain.

· Don't stop your exercise program just because your back feels better. Continue exercising to keep your back pain from returning.

· Where most rehabilitation programs fail is inrepparttar 112961 selection and repetitions they prescribe to their patients. People with weak back muscles should not only strengthen these muscles but should concentrate on building muscle endurance since these muscles are at work all day long.

· Consider working with a Muscle Activation Technique Therapist to identify and correct muscular imbalances and to make sure all muscles are functioning properly.

Core Stabilizer:

Transverse Abdominal (TVA) is a very important stabilizer ofrepparttar 112962 low-back. It isrepparttar 112963 deepest ofrepparttar 112964 abdominal muscles andrepparttar 112965 only one that runs horizontal. It activates prior torepparttar 112966 muscles ofrepparttar 112967 hips and thorax. When contracted it flattensrepparttar 112968 abdominal wall and compressesrepparttar 112969 viscera. The TVA is required for all integrated movements. Ifrepparttar 112970 TVA is weak it will allow bulging ofrepparttar 112971 anterior abdominal wall increasing lordosis inrepparttar 112972 low-back and will also create a lateral bulge in (forward bending) or extension (back bending).

Researchers used EMG activity to identifyrepparttar 112973 timing ofrepparttar 112974 TVA andrepparttar 112975 multifidus contraction, compared to other abdominal muscles, during movement ofrepparttar 112976 upper limbs in response to visual stimuli. They found that, in subjects without lower back pain,repparttar 112977 first active muscle wasrepparttar 112978 transverse abdominis contracting prior torepparttar 112979 upper limb. The model they developed "identified a consistent dysfunction of transverse abdominis in people with low-back pain.

Isometric Exercises Explained:

Before we get intorepparttar 112980 specific exercises forrepparttar 112981 TVA I would like to explain why isometric exercises are so important.

Borderline Division 1? How To Make It

Written by Hugh Breland

As a former NCAA Division 1 Athlete, I have parents ask me quite often what their son or daughter needs to do in order to make it torepparttar highest level of college athletics.

First, mom and dad need to know where they fit inrepparttar 112957 equation to success. Parents cannot berepparttar 112958 primary motivator. If a kid is not self-motivated to be onrepparttar 112959 field or inrepparttar 112960 gym early and often, I would say he does not have what it takes. No matter how hard a parent pushes, kids will ultimately change only if their heart is committed. A parent must berepparttar 112961 primary encourager, not a micro-managing know-it-all. Too many parents try to implement their own agendas in their child’s lives as opposed to providing guidelines, guardrails, and “good-jobs” alongrepparttar 112962 way.

Second, if you are a “borderline athlete” – not one ofrepparttar 112963 top players inrepparttar 112964 nation being recruited byrepparttar 112965 top schools – then you must focus on nutrition and training to engrain. High sugar & high fat diets are not going to help you get that extra burst of quickness that you need to beat your competition. Do not be fooled byrepparttar 112966 professional athlete on a McDonalds commercial, even professional athletes follow a strictly regimented diet. Oddly enough, you will see some college athletes with horrible diets. Again don’t be deceived; these individuals and their teams do not compete for championships. Eating right is followed by training right. Training to engrain is simply trainingrepparttar 112967 brain. By performingrepparttar 112968 correct sport-specific moves, positions, and exercises day in and day out, your brain will automatically react & execute in game situations. Too many athletes waste their training time doingrepparttar 112969 wrong exercisesrepparttar 112970 wrong way.

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