Spring Thinking

Written by Paul Griffitts

Spring is springing here inrepparttar Pacific Northwestrepparttar 122716 plants and trees are blooming. When Spring is here in full force inrepparttar 122717 Pacific Northwest, temps rise to 60 inrepparttar 122718 day time and only drop torepparttar 122719 high 40’s at night. Everything is blooming andrepparttar 122720 ski season is over even if it never got started. A water emergency has been declared because of low snowfall and lack of rain this past winter. This means that we will see some sort of rationing and water districts can raise prices ad hoc. Pollen fillsrepparttar 122721 air and I have to take two allergy pills a day now.

Spring is here and all this negativity, why? Only to demonstrate that there can be a downside to everything one thinks which means there can be an up side to thinking as well. Lets tryrepparttar 122722 upside now.

Spring is here andrepparttar 122723 Magnolia trees are blooming brilliant white,repparttar 122724 oriental fruit trees teaming with bright pink blossoms are stunning as you drive past. The warm afternoons feel so comfortable that only a t-shirt is needed. The hot chocolate mochas turn into iced mochas andrepparttar 122725 decks are swept clean and chairs washed down forrepparttar 122726 evening beverages with good friends inrepparttar 122727 twilight.

50 Things That Really Do Matter (Short Shots On Living An Exceptional Life)

Written by Lee Wise

50 THINGS THAT REALLY DO MATTER (Short Shots On Living An Exceptional Life) © Lee Wise All rights reserved

In my opinion, these things matter...

1. Listening enough to care and caring enough to listen.

2. Being a dreamer but not living in a dream world.

3. Saying "It doesn't matter" and meaning it.

4. Being a positive influence in any way possible, to as many as possible, for as long as I possibly can.

5. Balancing justice with mercy and fairness with common sense.

6. Being patient and patiently enduring.

7. Earning credibility instead of demanding compliance.

8. Valuingrepparttar wisdom of discernment,repparttar 122715 danger of pleasure without restraint, andrepparttar 122716 joy of victory with integrity.

9. Being worthy of trust and trusting what's worthwhile.

10. Enjoying all things small and beautiful.

11. Words that heal. 12. Words that help. 13. And words that encourage.

14. Forgiving myself for what I've done and others for what they haven't.

15. Gaining what I desire without losing what I should gain.

16. Maintainingrepparttar 122717 passion of purpose while avoidingrepparttar 122718 pitfalls of making hasty decisions with little or no discernment.

17. Watching "You've Got Mail" one more time.

18. Enjoying life for all it holds instead of holding out for all it has yet to become.

19. Giving praise without demands and encouragement without expectations.

20. Hugs. 21. Healing wounds. 22. And helping people realize their dreams.

23. Knowing when I can, can't and shouldn't.

24. Laughter forrepparttar 122719 sake of laughter!

25. Leading while not forgetting how to follow.

26. Honoringrepparttar 122720 honorable and avoidingrepparttar 122721 painful errors ofrepparttar 122722 disgraceful.

27. Knowingrepparttar 122723 power of commitment,repparttar 122724 rewards of self- discipline andrepparttar 122725 meaning of faith in myself, God and others.

28. Smiles -- lots of them.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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