Spoiled Rotten: The Big 3 Reasons for Fitness Failure

Written by Aaron M. Potts, ISSA CFT

"I want it now, now, now!"

Does this sound likerepparttar mind-numbing rant of a spoiled 7-year old in a toy store? Sure it does, and if you've ever heard a similar dialogue from a child, then you understand instinctively thatrepparttar 142545 child in question is all too accustomed to getting their way.

However, it may come as a surprise to you that adults of all ages and from all walks of life exhibit very similar behavior on a regular basis - especially when it comes to physical fitness!

It today's age of medicines, technologies, supplements, and highly advanced exercise techniques, people have - quite mistakenly - been lead to believe that they can have their most highly desired fitness results RIGHT NOW.

Read below to learn how this mistaken philosophy is applied on a frequent basis when people practicerepparttar 142546 3 basic tools of fitness: Cardiovascular Training, Resistance Training, and Nutrition


You either don't watch TV or you don't read magazines if you've never seen an advertisement that shows some buff young girl or guy pounding out miles while running on a beach, or happily sweating profusely while cruising on an elliptical or enduring an intense Spinning class.

These young models always look extremely satisfied to be working their bodies so hard, and they also share one other common characteristic: they are already in shape! Have you ever seen a commercial for a gym or exercise device that showed a 5-foot, 300 lb person grinning from ear to ear?

This is a common example of howrepparttar 142547 media and fitness industry retailers promoterepparttar 142548 mass-confusion over cardio. The ads scream messages like, "Buy our pill, put on some sexy clothes while running onrepparttar 142549 beach, and you'll look just as good as our models do!"

Gym owners do it, too. "Join our gym now and we'll give you one month free! Just by joining and then attending our Award-Winning Spinning Class, you will look just like Cindy,repparttar 142550 Supermodel we hired to do our commercial!"

It's ridiculous howrepparttar 142551 "powers that be" portray cardiovascular exercise as some effortless activity that you can easily use to gainrepparttar 142552 body of your dreams just by purchasing their product or joining their facility.

The truth ofrepparttar 142553 matter is that cardiovascular training works. The additional truth ofrepparttar 142554 matter is that it can range from moderately to intensely difficult, and that it will take you weeks, months, or maybe even years of combining cardio with resistance training and proper nutrition to attainrepparttar 142555 body of your dreams.

Is that what you wanted to hear about cardio? Probably not, but it'srepparttar 142556 truth. If you think there is some shortcut to being buff, young, tan, and in complete control of your life, then you should go turn onrepparttar 142557 TV. There is a commercial on right now that is just waiting for you to call in your credit card number!


The hype surrounding resistance training isn't quite as appalling asrepparttar 142558 myths about cardiovascular training, but it still exists. Regardless of what you have seen, heard, or been taught,repparttar 142559 truth is this: everyone needs resistance training.


Written by Boeafitness.com

Vitamins are known to providerepparttar body with a numerous array of benefits. Includingrepparttar 142520 ability of helping to prevent certain cancers from infectingrepparttar 142521 body.

One of which includes vitamin E as it combats against two common forms of cancer, which are bladder and prostate cancer. Another vitamin that is believed to prevent cancer is vitamin C. As it is believed to prevent certain cancers that can be developed inrepparttar 142522 body which are listed below.

lungs pancreas cervix esophagus larynx stomach

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