Spirit and the Law of Cause and Effect

Written by Lynn Claridge

Most of our troubles are bought about by exercising our own free will. If you have a war, there will be many people, who will ask, Why doesrepparttar Great Spirit not stop it? Why doesrepparttar 122937 Great Spirit not try to prevent it? The actual truth is thatrepparttar 122938 people ofrepparttar 122939 world are to blame. They choose to ignorerepparttar 122940 laws. We cannot escaperepparttar 122941 consequences of our actions. You cannot alterrepparttar 122942 law of spirit. What has been sown must be harvested. If you have used selfishness, you must acceptrepparttar 122943 results. Pride, jealousy, envy, greed, malice, distrust and suspicion all these things, when they fructify produce war, distress and decay.

Therefore, people might ask is “free will” limited, inrepparttar 122944 sense that there are definite tendencies of events in relation to individuals. We all have tendencies and vibrations that we do not let go. Everyone is surround by radiations and influences, many of which can affect your destiny. When your ”free will” is used correctly, it allows you to conquer all that stands in your way ofrepparttar 122945 fullest expression of that part ofrepparttar 122946 spirit that is within you. Because you are spirit and spirit is you. A seed of spirit will be planted within every human soul, like a seed is planted inrepparttar 122947 earth. If you give a seed what it needs to grow,repparttar 122948 seed will first shoot up throughrepparttar 122949 earth and eventually will bloom and bursts into full flower. The Great Spirit has plantedrepparttar 122950 seed within us all and you arerepparttar 122951 gardener. It depends upon your efforts when or indeed whetherrepparttar 122952 fullness ofrepparttar 122953 flower is able to express itself. There is always your free will. If you keeprepparttar 122954 seed inrepparttar 122955 darkness and do not give itrepparttar 122956 light,repparttar 122957 Great Spirit cannot be expressed through you. The law is perfect when it is in operation. Effect always follows cause. No individual hasrepparttar 122958 power to alter by one hairs breadthrepparttar 122959 sequence of cause and effect. That which is harvested must be that which is sown inrepparttar 122960 soul of every individual. The law of cause and effect is basic, fundamental, and unalterable because you can only harvest what you sow. Effect must follow cause with accuracy. In turn,repparttar 122961 effect becomesrepparttar 122962 cause, by which another effect is set into motion, producing another cause. The process is a constant one. Throughoutrepparttar 122963 vast variety ofrepparttar 122964 phenomena of nature, everything small or large, simple or complex followsrepparttar 122965 law of cause and effect. Nothing can interrupt that sequence.

What dreams will come!

Written by Seamus Dolly

Asrepparttar pioneers of aviation took torepparttar 122936 air (not skies), in their human powered mechanical contraptions, what must have been said and thought?

Complicated pulleys and chain systems enclosing a lunatic, perhaps!

Or overly optimistic cyclists with designs above their head, even.

Yet they left us withrepparttar 122937 beginnings of international and inter-planetary travel, its’ destinations, physical and figurative.

What ofrepparttar 122938 scientists and chemists, self-sent torepparttar 122939 grave through misadventure and experiment?

And their journals, which were and are hard copy legacies unbound byrepparttar 122940 limiting confines ofrepparttar 122941 grave? Something was learned, inrepparttar 122942 big picture!

A spark of madness, as it seemed, wasrepparttar 122943 ignition source for technological explosions.

Original computer models had lighting sequences, which was something, but couldn’t have evolved without enthusiasm, imagination, finance and time, into what it is today. At that point in history, it couldn’t have happened elsewhere onrepparttar 122944 planet, inrepparttar 122945 same way and speed. The formula for advancement would have been incomplete. Indeed, it couldn’t have happened at that rate, without mass optimism and lots of people pulling inrepparttar 122946 same direction.

You see, something hypothetical or seemingly ridiculous can be some thing brilliant. The first aviators understood that a bird held no magical power, whatever about altitude. If these men couldn’t fly, well then they would have learned new engineering techniques, alongrepparttar 122947 way.

What dreams will come forrepparttar 122948 generations of today’s’ prosperous societies where children can access resources to overcome relatively minor learning disabilities, opposed torepparttar 122949 aggressive and ignorant resources that successfully placed previous generations inrepparttar 122950 back ofrepparttar 122951 schoolroom? The visual vantage point that it offered hardly compensated for hearing loss or impairment perceived as indifference.

What ofrepparttar 122952 premature or “early” babies now breathing air where it always was, but previously too young to attain it? Orrepparttar 122953 thousands of people whose real lives were initiated “IN VITRO” (in glass)? New people that wouldn’t have been, isrepparttar 122954 result.

Likewise with those having hearts incapable ofrepparttar 122955 pumping cycles expected for life, some thirty years ago. Not new people with more life, isrepparttar 122956 result.

The “borrowed time” cliché is now redundant, somewhat ridiculous and a primitive view.

Modern medical procedures have made time it seems, withrepparttar 122957 clock of yesterday being wound withrepparttar 122958 hand of today.

Blindness and its’ confederates have been “blind-sided” by cutting and therapeutic tooling and processes, initially designed to produce coherent light. The laser is lightingrepparttar 122959 way with eyesight improved beyond its’ so called natural state of efficiency, with respect to age. Glasses and contact lenses are dispensed torepparttar 122960 recycle bin, and rarely missed, whererepparttar 122961 finance exists.

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