Spiffy Life Sayings

Written by Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

Spiffy Life Sayings

1. Walking in a mud puddle will spoil your interview costume. Watch your step!

2. In an interview, really listen. Talking about your weird Uncle Harry may cost yourepparttar job.

3. If you don't know where you want your life to go, don't ask people to tell you what to do.

I Can't Weight - One Man's Diet

Written by Gary E. Anderson

I Can't Weight—One Man's Diet (Fromrepparttar book Spider’s Big Catch) Gary E. Anderson www.abciowa.com

Like many people, I've decided I need to take off a little weight fromrepparttar 118168 holidays—the holidays of six years ago. But I've never dieted before, so being a conscientious kinda guy, I logged into my favorite web browser for some advice.

I found 3,978,158,342 sites offering help with losing a few pounds. (In fact, I was so overwhelmed, I had to grab a sandwich before even tacklingrepparttar 118169 search.) As a public service, I'll try to encapsulate what I learned, although I may have gotten a little confused by some ofrepparttar 118170 terminology.

Most ofrepparttar 118171 sites spent considerable time talking about calories, so maybe we should start there. As far as I could make out, a calorie is defined asrepparttar 118172 amount of heat it takes to raise a gram of water from 58 degrees to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Immediately, that fact brought several questions to mind. First, who decided that? Why 58 to 60? That’s not even hot enough to take a bath in! Next, if one calorie raisesrepparttar 118173 temperature of water 2 degrees, andrepparttar 118174 human body is 90% water, why don’t millions of Americans boil over duringrepparttar 118175 holidays, after consuming billions of calories at one sitting? That definition implies that a person should be able to eat a million calories a day, as long as he spaced them out, to avoid boiling over. You could eat, let your body cool back down, then eat a bunch more, and never gain any weight – it made sense to me. That concept must be common knowledge torepparttar 118176 world at large, which would explain why you so rarely see people boil over in public. But since I’m new to this dieting business, it came as exciting news for me.

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