Spelt, grain of the past, grain of the future.

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Spelt, grain ofrepparttar past, grain ofrepparttar 134969 future.

My scriptures had told me that wheat was created forrepparttar 134970 use of human kind. When I studied nutrition I had to start to question this belief, so many people have bad reactions to wheat. If God said wheat was for man, then there certainly shouldn’t be so many people reacting badly to it. Something wasn’t sitting right for me, until I discovered Spelt.

Spelt is an old grain, belonging torepparttar 134971 Wheat family. It grew out of popularity as technology advanced andrepparttar 134972 population increased. We wanted more grain for less money. So grains were specially ‘bred’ to solve this every growing need for cheaper more profitable grain.

Some 800 years ago Hildegard von Bingen, (St.Hildegard) wrote about spelt: “The spelt isrepparttar 134973 best of grains. It is rich and nourishing and milder than other grain. It produces a strong body and healthy blood to those who eat it and it makesrepparttar 134974 spirit of man light and cheerful. If someone is ill boil some spelt, mix it with egg and this will heal him like a fine ointment."

In many ways Spelt appears to berepparttar 134975 perfect cereal. It makes full demands onrepparttar 134976 soil, can grow just about anywhere, is not susceptible to diseases and as it does not respond well to synthetic fertilizers, it is almost always organic.

So, why is it not commonplace?

The crop yields are less than that ofrepparttar 134977 common wheat andrepparttar 134978 hulling cost as more expensive. The grain is about twicerepparttar 134979 size of wheat grains and is firmly attached torepparttar 134980 husk. A specialised milling process is required to removerepparttar 134981 husk. The husk has also been put to therapeutic purposes. A pillow filled with spelt husk are said to relieve pain and help with relaxation.

Beating Depression

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Depression hits many of us at different times during our lives. The symptoms are commonly known: being tired allrepparttar time, low self-esteem, no self-confidence, disturbed sleep, concentration impaired and no interest in life.

Depression is not just a dark mood; it is an illness. Low levels ofrepparttar 134968 hormone serotonin are a known contributing factor. The lowerrepparttar 134969 Serotonin levelsrepparttar 134970 deeperrepparttar 134971 depression. To increaserepparttar 134972 Serotonin allrepparttar 134973 building blocks need to be present. One ofrepparttar 134974 vital missing links is oftenrepparttar 134975 amino acid Tryptophan. So increasing Tryptophan in our diets can help ease depression. Foods that are high in Tryptophan are fish, turkey, meat and chicken, Parmesan cheese, almonds, barley, lentils and bananas. Tryptophanes first priority inrepparttar 134976 body is to make Niacin (vitamin B3), not to make Serotonin. In other words, it is vital to ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of Niacin in your diet, if you are going to increaserepparttar 134977 Serotonin levels. Other B Vitamins are also essential. A good balance diet, which includes a variety of fish, pulses and fresh raw vegetables, is alwaysrepparttar 134978 key.

Some foods that help lift moods are:

Carbohydrates in winter, if you crave these in winter, they may help liftrepparttar 134979 winter blues. Look towards eatingrepparttar 134980 more complex carbohydrates such as dried beans, pasta, vegetables, cereal, whole grain bread and crackers.

Spinach is high in folic acid. It has been shown that people with depression have lower levels of folic acid than normal. Low folic acid can causerepparttar 134981 levels of Serotonin to shrink. The amount need to fight off depression is only 200mg-500mg a day. This amount can easily be found in foods such as green leafy vegetables. 200mg is can be obtained from about three quarters of a cup of spinach.

Fish is brain food. Eating seafood can improve your mood. Seafood is extra high inrepparttar 134982 trace mineral Selenium. Those with low Selenium levels are more likely to be anxious, depressed and tired. (Australian soils are deficient in Selenium) It has been found that when those with low Selenium levels increase them, their moods improve. Most Selenium comes from grains, seafood and cereals. Brazil nuts are one ofrepparttar 134983 richest sources of them all. Eating just one a day will guarantee you are never deficient in Selenium.

Garlic. Studies on garlic have shown that not only do they have other health benefits, but alsorepparttar 134984 garlic eaters, generally had a greater sense of well-being. They experienced less fatigue, anxiety, sensitivity, agitation and irritability.

Many lifestyle considerations need to be looked in to. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol can decreaserepparttar 134985 tryptophan levels, as can caffeine and sugar. When suffering from depression it is easy to use these as a crutch and instead of decreasing your usage, it is increased. Of course this just exacerbatesrepparttar 134986 situation.

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