Speech Writing Tips: The 14 Speech Writing Secrets of President Bill Clinton

Written by Thomas Murrell

Speaking in public can be a powerful way to build a business. It can help raiserepparttar profile of your business, generate new leads and create greater profits. But speaking in public can be nerve wracking and seriously stressful for first timers. Writing a speech can be a major challenge, especially for technical writers.

We can all learn from watching professional speakers.

I have achieved a long held ambition to hear Bill Clinton - in Perth on Saturday February 23, 2002. It was a fantastic event!

My motivation? Anyone who earns $300,000 for a 50 minute keynote presentation must be good. As a professional speaker, I wanted to see Clinton in action. I didn't want to only hear what he said, but how he said it.

Here's my analysis of what I learnt from hearing Bill Clinton in person and noting how he was presented. You should be able to adapt at least some of these points to fit your own circumstances.

1. The marketing strategy

In previous years a big advertising blitz brought audiences to see speakers such as former Soviet leader Gorbachov and others. Their marketing approach was very commercially focused with a massive advertising budget. The Clinton event had a more humanitarian angle with funds being raised for a good cause, namely sick kids through The Princess Margaret Hospital for Children Foundation. This was a better match with Clinton's core values of building community and having an empathy withrepparttar 146445 concerns of ordinary people. The marketing campaign relied heavily on positive media coverage to create awareness ofrepparttar 146446 event.

2. A memorable entry

Clinton's entry torepparttar 146447 ballroom was brilliantly stage-managed. Everyone was asked to stand and then he walked intorepparttar 146448 room to his US Presidential election theme song 'Happy Days are here again'. The emotion inrepparttar 146449 room was electric and maderepparttar 146450 hairs onrepparttar 146451 back of my neck stand up!

3. Personal presentation

His dress and presentation was absolutely immaculate. (Mayberepparttar 146452 $500 haircuts help.) Many women at my table commented that Clinton was far better looking inrepparttar 146453 flesh than on TV.

4. The Power of Presence

There was a buzz about being inrepparttar 146454 same room as President Clinton. His body language, smile and confident hand shake exuded charisma. His considerable charm reminded me of that high school science experiment when you tip iron filings onto a white sheet of paper covering a strong magnet. People were attracted to Clinton like metal filings to a powerful magnetic field.

5. Warm-up

Alan Jones was MC andrepparttar 146455 warm-up included a short film taking a light hearted look at Clinton's last days in office. Scenes included Clinton washingrepparttar 146456 Presidential car, clippingrepparttar 146457 hedges and playing switchboard operator inrepparttar 146458 Oval Room. A great scene from a press conference showed Clinton waking a single sleeping journalist.

5 Strategies to Streeetch Your Good Press

Written by Susan Harrow

Inrepparttar following story Toronto Star columnist and lifelong Catholic, Kathy Shaidle, whose website tweaks confining religious and spiritual notions, talks about how she's been gathering steam to publicize her site. Shaidle's irreverent commentary spares no one. She dispenses her thoughts on everything from renting a married priest to buying enlightenment. What better way to provoke controversy than to challengerepparttar 146319 sacred cow of people's spiritual and religious beliefs? Visit Kathy's site http://www.relapsedcatholic.com/ and see for yourself what makes for good arguing.

*Whererepparttar 146320 religious rubber meetsrepparttar 146321 pop culture road*

That'srepparttar 146322 motto at RelapsedCatholic.com, my daily weblog of faith & culture news. On March 27, 2001, my site was singled out for praise byrepparttar 146323 Site-A-Day newsletter.

1. Send out a press release about your good press to your niche market

I IMMEDIATELY sent out a short, punchy email press release (quoting Site-A-Day's rave review) to my list of religion editors (in print and online), book reviewers (I'm also an award-winning author) and other Best ofrepparttar 146324 Web sites.

The dayrepparttar 146325 brief piece about RelapsedCatholic ran inrepparttar 146326 Ottawa Citizen, I logged my busiest single day ever, with more than 300 hits. I was recently interviewed byrepparttar 146327 Catholic Register, too, and expect a similar spike when that piece runs. RelapsedCatholic was also singled out for special mention in recent articles about blogging, in both Internet Business Forum and E-Zine Tips.

MY NOTE: Notice Kathy sent her press release to a VERY targeted market (religion editors) that she had previously contacted. Often times you must contact an editor a number of times with different ideas before he/she will write about you.

2. Email thank you notes and begin a correspondence with journalists

I gained some valuable new relationships and helped cement established ones. I've been asked to write and speak on subjects related to religion and pop culture. I feel this kind of exposure increases my visibility and credibility withrepparttar 146328 press. Sending thank you emails after even a small mention has sparked continuing correspondence with some writers and editors. I may be better able to pitch other stories to them inrepparttar 146329 future. I recently got a fan email fromrepparttar 146330 man who runsrepparttar 146331 ChristianityToday.com weblog, consideredrepparttar 146332 best of its/our genre. He says he checks out RelapsedCatholic every day now.

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