Speech Impediments

Written by Rexanne Mancini

All children must learn how to speak ... a given under normal circumstances. While not all children have problems developing their speech and linguistic fluency, some kids find pronunciation and language flow difficult. Repeating words, struggling to enunciate correctly and stuttering to be understood while a toddler is learning to talk is absolutely normal and might continue until a child has mastered speaking. This could be by age three, age five or older, depending onrepparttar child.

There is, to this day, no definite theory on true stuttering. Many psychologists and medical doctors feelrepparttar 110703 condition is neurological or physiological in nature. While this may berepparttar 110704 case in most instances, a child’s speech impediments could be caused by insensitive and cruel treatment in childhood, specifically tormenting them about their natural developing speech patterns and struggle with learning pronunciation and complex words. It stands to reason that patience, gentle guidance and encouragement when children are attempting to communicate their first words is vital to their well-being and self-esteem.

How to stop the greed of gifts

Written by Joey Lewitin

To a large extentrepparttar holidays have come to be more about materialism thanrepparttar 110702 original values of peace, harmony, and faith. Advertisers hit us from all sides with messages of greed and pettiness. Every media outlet is rife withrepparttar 110703 idea, “buy this, or they wont love you.” In such an age, it is important to remindrepparttar 110704 children aboutrepparttar 110705 true meaning ofrepparttar 110706 season. This can be done, to some extent, by helping them to build their own gifts to give to others, and teaching them whatrepparttar 110707 true value of a gift is. This has several major benefits.

1. In buildingrepparttar 110708 gift you will be spending time withrepparttar 110709 child doing something constructive.

2. It will teach themrepparttar 110710 value of money. The item they buy would have to be made just likerepparttar 110711 item they make themselves. Money doesn’t just appear it has to be earned, and then traded. So money is trading work, for work.

3. It will engage their imaginations and creativity.

4. The gift they create will be much more meaningful, and you should let them know that.

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