Spanish Food - How To Prepare Boquerones.

Written by Linda Plummer

Whilst on your travels in Spain and pausing to take a breath from site-seeing, you have surely experimented with "tapas" at a welcoming bar.

If this isrepparttar case, it is more than likely that you have come acrossrepparttar 134108 small, tasty filleted fish, preserved in olive oil, sliced garlic and chopped parsley, and highly popular throughout Spain. This delectable dish is usually known as "boquerones" but, depending onrepparttar 134109 area, can also be called "anchoas".

Boquerones are small, fresh anchovies. Accompanied by crisp, fresh Spanish bread, a glass of ruby-red wine or refreshing Asturian cider, they are a delight to eat. Moreover - as with many traditional Spanish dishes which compriserepparttar 134110 renowned Mediterranean Diet - they are extremely healthy.

Like its friendrepparttar 134111 sardine,repparttar 134112 anchovy is an oily fish, packed full of proteins and minerals, protecting against heart disease, and "good" for cholesterol. What´s more, in many areas of Spain - in particularrepparttar 134113 Mediterranean coast - fresh anchovies are extremely cheap.

On first coming to Spain, I happily enjoyed many tapas of boquerones, completely unaware of one fact ... all those little anchovies I had eaten were not cooked! For a moment, I deeply regretted asking my Spanish neighbor, Carmen, how to make them!

Fortunately, Carmen went into immediate action and savedrepparttar 134114 day! She frog-marched me torepparttar 134115 local fishmongers, bought a kilo ofrepparttar 134116 little fish, took me home and showed me "her way" of preparing them. They were so delicious that I quickly recovered my passion for boquerones and have been enjoying them ever since!

Methods for preparing boquerones tend to vary slightly from family to family. However,repparttar 134117 basic principles are alwaysrepparttar 134118 same. You first have to clean and filletrepparttar 134119 fish, which is simple enough, but rather tedious until you getrepparttar 134120 hang of it.

Next, you soakrepparttar 134121 fillets, either in white wine vinegar or a mixture of half vinegar and half water. The vinegar will clean and bleachrepparttar 134122 fish and also soften any remaining little bones. Some people sprinklerepparttar 134123 fish with salt; others (myself included) feel thatrepparttar 134124 fish is salty enough already.

Travel and Scenic Photography 101

Written by Seth Lutnick

When you're driving throughrepparttar mountains somewhere, and you notice a car parked half offrepparttar 134107 road and some guy leaning torepparttar 134108 left to avoid a branch with his Rebel 2000 camera inrepparttar 134109 act of focusing, you've met me. I do this because, to me, a trip isn't fulfilling unless I've preserved that beauty for posterity. I'd like to share some ofrepparttar 134110 techniques that make scenic photography such a wonderful artform - simple, yet elegant.

First off, equipment. As much asrepparttar 134111 cheapo disposable camera beckons, get real. These cameras have fisheye lenses which I call "spam" lenses. They cram everything in, with equal blurriness and boringness. Good photos are sharp, unless you use blur for artistic effect. Sharp comes from an adjustable lens. It can be a fixed lens or a zoom, but it must focus specially for each picture. Fixed lenses are limiting for scenic pictures, where to framerepparttar 134112 shot you may need to move long distances. Imagine using a fixed lens onrepparttar 134113 Washington Monument, when you're half a block away! Zooms get my vote, even though they often don't have as wide an aperture, which limits their capabilities in low light situations.

Practically speaking, an SLR isrepparttar 134114 absolute best. They are lightweight, and can be used with top quality lenses. Film SLRs tend to be less expensive, but haverepparttar 134115 limitations of film, meaning you have to get it developed and so forth. Digital SLRs are VERY expensive, so forrepparttar 134116 budget conscious either go with a film SLR or a high quality basic digital camera. With digital, resolution is also a critical factor, so look atrepparttar 134117 specs before you buy.

OK, we've gotrepparttar 134118 camera, emotions are running high, and that's great, but not too great! Sometimes I find a spot that is so wonderful, I start shooting like a madman, only to be disappointed byrepparttar 134119 pictures. What happened? Emotions. When you experience a place, there are sounds, aromas and breezes as well asrepparttar 134120 visuals ofrepparttar 134121 spot. Needless to say, you can't photograph all of these elements, onlyrepparttar 134122 visual. When overwhelmed byrepparttar 134123 spectacle of a scenic hotspot, we are often overwhelmed by all of these elements.

So what to do? Look through your camera. The viewfinder does not lie (usually). Try to see what you are looking at asrepparttar 134124 finished picture. Most people perfunctorily take pictures, hoping that somehowrepparttar 134125 shot will come out great. If you wonder howrepparttar 134126 pictures came out when you are onrepparttar 134127 way torepparttar 134128 drug store to get them, you're doing something wrong. Atrepparttar 134129 moment you clickrepparttar 134130 pic, you should know exactly what you will get. (Of course with digital, that's not a trick!).

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