Sowing Thoughts of Peace

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Thinking thoughts of peace toward every person will bring great peace to us.

Whether byrepparttar law of attraction orrepparttar 126672 law of sowing and reaping, it is impossible to give without getting in return. When you give out thoughts of anger, frustration or ill will, they are certain to be returned to you. "The man who thinks hateful thoughts brings hatred upon himself. The man who thinks loving thoughts is loved.” ~ James Allen

”If I knew you and you knew me, and each of us could clearly see,repparttar 126673 meaning of your heart and mine, I’m sure that we would differ less, we’d clasp our hands in friendliness, if I knew you and you knew me. ~ John Kanary We're a whole lot more alike than we are different. The same wants, needs, loves and hurts. Knowing this will help us to think thoughts of peace towards others.

The Spirit of Offence

Written by Daniel N. Brown

I believerepparttar spirit of offence is onrepparttar 126671 rise. Jesus said inrepparttar 126672 last days many will be offended asrepparttar 126673 love ofrepparttar 126674 church will grow cold. (Matthew 24:10)

I see so many people majoring on minor issues such as whether or not we should speak in tongues, whether or not we should baptize babies, whether or not we should prophesy, and a bunch of other stuff that shouldn’t be causing us to gossip, get upset, and run off looking for another church.

1 Thessalonians 4 says, “Aspire to lead a quiet life and mind your own business.”

Simply because every church is made up of imperfect people, there is not a church anywhere where you will find everything to your liking.

I believerepparttar 126675 utmost important thing is to know you are a born again child of God and your name is recorded in heaven. If people speak in tongues, baptize babies, or prophesy, so be it. Love them anyway.

If people really want to liverepparttar 126676 abundant and prosperous Christian life they will have to give God first place in their lives. I believe we do this by loving others and serving them. Not by talking about them, complaining and criticizing. Jesus said, “As you have done it unto them, you have done unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)

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