Soothing Symbols as Home Decor?

Written by Liz Hekimian-Williams

Did you know that our bodies can automatically react to certain environmental changes and stimuli, even to symbols you might use as decorative accents? I have a little experiment for you to try in a moment so you can experiencerepparttar power of this idea. Once you seerepparttar 130824 reactions that can occur, you may find you will want to to use this idea towards creating more soothing and peaceful home and office surroundings.

You can try this brief experiment to see how your body and mind reacts to some changes... Right now, pretend you are angry for a moment- feelrepparttar 130825 tension in your forehead,repparttar 130826 wrinkles starting to form as you frown and all that... also, lean forward right now in your chair and clench your fists. Hold this and let yourself think an unpleasant thought. But now, let's change something- force your mouth muscles into a big smile and hold it there, smile! Now lean back in your chair. Hold this reclined position. Also, loosen up your hands again and keep a gentle smile... So, how are you feeling now?

Most people report feeling they are unable to continue feeling angry and that they become relaxed. Yet all they changed were positions of their own body muscles! Did you realize that there are certain things our bodies become conditioned to with repeated exposure? For instance, when we recline in a chair, our brains interpret this posture as, "ah, I am relaxed." So, simple physical posture changes can trigger automatic changes in a person's thoughts and feelings.

Here's an example of how things in your surroundings can trigger changes in your thoughts and feelings. Picture a place you have enjoyed visiting. It's likerepparttar 130827 sights and sounds there speak to your soul! Can't you suddenly get lost in that place, feel lighter, more at ease? There are certain symbols that many of us have become conditioned to throughoutrepparttar 130828 years and that prompt changes in our thoughts and feelings as well. For instance, does salutingrepparttar 130829 flag or singingrepparttar 130830 national anthem ever get you feeling patriotic, teary eyed or choked up? If so, you are reacting torepparttar 130831 symbolism, to that imagery, to those sounds.


Written by Terri Arnold, MS (Spicy Grandma)


When starting a new relationship, many women (and men as well) tend to overlook some behaviors in their new partner that do not bode well forrepparttar future. Then, downrepparttar 130821 road, comesrepparttar 130822 exclamation ‘If I had only known...’. As a Psychotherapist who has worked with mostly women and a few men inrepparttar 130823 field of Domestic Violence, during counseling sessions we can always trace back unpleasant and also dangerous character traits torepparttar 130824 very start ofrepparttar 130825 relationship.

Here are some ‘Red Flags’ to watch out for in a new partner.

1)He makes decisions about where to go with little or no input from you.

2)He belittles your opinion whenrepparttar 130826 two of you are alone and may call you names.

3)He makes disparaging remarks about you in front of others and may talk about you as if you were not there.

4)He may be rough during love-making and make you engage in acts you do not like.

5)He does not want to spend time with your friends or family and insists you socialize with his people.

6)He will not acknowledge your areas of expertise and may put down what you do inrepparttar 130827 workplace - ignore any of your accomplishments.

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