Some Tips on Time Management - How to Better Manage

Written by Craig Lock


Ask yourself:

1. Does what I am doing add value to my life (and times of pure fun and relaxation are essential too)? 2. What will happen if I don't do it? 3. Can I delegate it? 4. Can I spend less time on it?


1. Telephone Interruptions 2. Drop-in Visitors 3. Meetings 4. Crisis Management 5. Lack of Objectives, Priorities a Daily plan 6. Cluttered Desk, Personal Disorganisation. 7. Ineffective Delegation 8. Attempting too Much at Once 9. Lack of Clear Communication 10. Inadequate, Inaccurate Delayed Information 11. Indecision and Procrastination 12. Confused Responsibility and Authority. 13. Inability to Say "No". 14. Leaving Tasks Unfinished 15. Lack of Self-Discipline


1. Planning (lack of).

2. Priorities (lack of)

3. Telephone interruptions

4. Disorganisation/cluttered desk

5. Procrastination

6. Visitors

7. Lack of Self Discipline

8. Ineffective delegation

9. Attempting too much

10. Inability to say 'No'

The 80/20 Principle

20% of activity gives 80% of results and 80% of activity gives 20% of results (known asrepparttar Pareto Principle).

* Focus onrepparttar 101855 important few activities, notrepparttar 101856 trivial many. * Don't procrastinate * The key is self discipline. * "First we make habits, then habits make us."


Getrepparttar 101857 news only once a day - in only one form - readrepparttar 101858 paper or watch television or listen torepparttar 101859 radio, but varyrepparttar 101860 form so you don't getrepparttar 101861 news through one bias. Don't worry about or spend time on things irrelevant to you, eg.. reading every bit of repparttar 101862 newspaper.

Unless it is crucial for your business,repparttar 101863 news is not only depressing (don't worry about it, unless you can do something about it), but it gives a distorted picture of life.

You Can't Do It Alone - Top Five Benefits of Asking for Help

Written by Claudette Rowley

Entrepreneurs are a lot likerepparttar early American pioneers - forging new ground, following their visions and making them real. In order to succeed these pioneers relied onrepparttar 101854 notion of "rugged individualism", a concept now woven into our cultural fabric. Unfortunately, this valuable idea can be taken too far, leaving us feeling like we must do it alone. As a result, many of us believe that doing it alone is better and more virtuous, and that pulling yourself "up by your bootstraps" signals a sign of character.

I consistently encounter clients - entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs - who believe that being a Lone Ranger isrepparttar 101855 way to go, and that if it's not hard, it's not worth doing. There's a difference between challenging yourself and takingrepparttar 101856 hard road when you don't ask for available assistance.

Top Five Benefits of Asking for Help:

- Create community. Throughrepparttar 101857 act of receiving, you cultivate partners and mentors to support your vision. Just like you enjoy giving to others, people want to give to you. When you ask for help, you extendrepparttar 101858 opportunity for others to give back. When you are engaged in something exciting, risky or daring - like entrepreneurship, you'll find that people love to participate in your vision. It's exciting and gratifying to be part of another's adventure and see them succeed.

- Achieve your vision and its supporting goals more quickly when you ask for what you want and need. Userepparttar 101859 question "Who do you know who?" to reaprepparttar 101860 benefits of financial, business, emotional or spiritual assistance. When you need to make a specific request, you gain clarity. If you aren't sure what you need, request a brainstorming session to create an avenue to clarity.

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