Some Facts About On-line Riches

Written by Willie Crawford

A recent discussion on an on-line discussion forum reminded me of when I was involved in mail-order inrepparttar early 1970s. My introduction to "income opp-ortunities" was when I answered an ad offering a plan for making $100 a day stuffing envelopes. The ad offered a plan for $1 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. In exchange for my dollar and envelope I received an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet telling me to runrepparttar 120849 same ad and when I got responses, send themrepparttar 120850 same sheet. I kept searching for something better :-)

I soon got involved in mailing out circulars offering various products and services. I charged others to mail their circulars using my bulk mailing permit. I also charged them for running their ads in my ad-sheet. It was a world where we paid to run our ads in each others newsletter. There seemed to be a lot of people sellingrepparttar 120851 same opport-unities to each other.

Fast forward 30 years, and I see many similarities in some on-line businesses. That discussion onrepparttar 120852 forum caused me to step back and ask a few questions. The most important question was, "What'srepparttar 120853 difference between selling a dream and helping someone to really build an on-line business." I see hundreds of plans/schemes that I'm convinced are not plausible ways to earn a decent income on-line. These arerepparttar 120854 biz-ops where people are just selling each otherrepparttar 120855 latest insider information and plans that promise to make them big successes.

I know that most of these plans aren't doingrepparttar 120856 trick because I talk to numerous people about what really works every week. I'm involved in several mastermind groups and also participate in brainstorming calls. We discuss what techniques are really growing each others' businesses. I also get emails from 20 - 30 people a week who aren't achievingrepparttar 120857 level of success they desire, and they often ask me for solutions.

I have to first of all admit that I may not have a ready solution for them. What's working for me make not work for them because of differences in my target audience, difference in my relationship with my audience, and even timing. So I spend a lot of time brainstorming with them... usually for a fee :-)

One ofrepparttar 120858 first realities we must face is that selectingrepparttar 120859 right product or service to promote is perhapsrepparttar 120860 most important decision they have to make. Chooserepparttar 120861 wrong service.... one no-one wants, and you're dead inrepparttar 120862 water before you start. Yes, you'll get a few people purchasing your product but not inrepparttar 120863 volume you desire.

The second reality that we must face is that you need a really solid marketing plan. Promoting your products or services in an unorganized, scatter-gun fashion will produce lesser results. You need to flow out what activities you are going to use in promoting your business. Everything needs to be planned out. Then you need to stick with your plan long enough to seerepparttar 120864 results. Plan, implement, measure results, make adjustments - that'srepparttar 120865 formula.

How To Earn A Great, Long-term On-line Income

Written by Willie Crawford

Everybody wants to make their on-line fortune instantly. We don't want to slowly build our on-line empires. This is what drives many ofrepparttar ebooks and special reports that I see lately. The question of how do you do it in 30 days or less is evenrepparttar 120848 main question in an ebook that I was recently featured in. However, in Joe Kumar's book,repparttar 120849 need to earn an on-line income in 30 days or less was presented as if it was an emergency situation. Thenrepparttar 120850 "gurus" each explained how they would do it.

The fact that there are so many books and reports out there telling you how to do it, should be a clue. Since these books are selling so well, that tells you that most people don't know how to do it. Read through Joe's book and you get a lot of great, viable ideas. Using these ideas, you can generate an on-line income in 30 days or less. However, I still believe thatrepparttar 120851 best model is setting up a business that generates a long-term residual income. If you have time, build a very solid business with several pillars inrepparttar 120852 foundation. This isrepparttar 120853 key to long-term on-line success.

How do we do this? Locate or create products or services that are consumables. Those are products or services that people use over and over again, and that they pay you for - over and over again. Examples of products would be medications, vitamins, or printer cartridges. Examples of services would berepparttar 120854 shopping cart system I promote at Other services offering residual income include web hosting, website maintenance, long-term consulting, perhaps writing articles on contract with an ezine.

You want to set up several of these products or services offering residual income so that you are not totally dependent upon any one of them. Ideally, you want to set up several related businesses. You want them related so that you don't spread yourself too thin, and so that you can develop a deep level of expertise on your product line. Your increased expertise will dramatically improve customer relations and referrals.

I am a big proponent of creating your own product or service. However, if you are in a crowded field, it is probably better to affiliate with someone already offeringrepparttar 120855 service. It must be an in-demand product. You make one sale, and then collectrepparttar 120856 residual income for a long time. It's a time-tested, proven model. It's doing what my friend Jonathan Mizel describes as "going forrepparttar 120857 low-hanging fruit." It's "not re-inventingrepparttar 120858 wheel."

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