Solve Problems Using A Word List

Written by Steve Gillman

To creatively solve problems you need to get your mind looking in new directions. You can systematically do this by using a list of words, primarily adjectives, to create "what if?" scenarios. You start withrepparttar question, "what if it was..." and then insert a word fromrepparttar 143830 list. The "it" inrepparttar 143831 question isrepparttar 143832 problem you're trying to solve, orrepparttar 143833 solution or situation that exists now.

Using "What If" To Solve Problems

An example will help explainrepparttar 143834 process. Assume your house is too crowded because you're running your business from it. You ask, "What if it was..." and insert fromrepparttar 143835 word list, "smaller." The house is already too small, but couldrepparttar 143836 business be smaller? The word "divided" might give yourepparttar 143837 idea to keeprepparttar 143838 business in just one part ofrepparttar 143839 house.

Most words onrepparttar 143840 list won't help, so you can go throughrepparttar 143841 irrelevant ones quickly. Don't automatically dismiss them, though, without a few seconds consideration. "What if it was hopeless?" may seem like a useless question, or it may make you realize that you just can't keeprepparttar 143842 business inrepparttar 143843 house any longer.

Finding The Answers In Managing Your Fears, Anxieties, And Stresses

Written by Stan Popovich

As an author of an anxiety book, I have dealt with fear and anxiety for over fifteen years. At times, my fears hadrepparttar best of me, however I never gave up and I was always determined to findrepparttar 143743 answers to my problems. Let me explain to yourepparttar 143744 process of how I found those answers.

I first went to my local bookstore to find those books that dealt with fear and anxiety. I looked for those books that reviewedrepparttar 143745 techniques in how to manage certain fears and anxieties. As I read these books, I started a notebook and every time I found a technique that was useful in managing my fears, I would write it down in my small notebook.

Secondly, I interviewed various professionals inrepparttar 143746 psychology and religious fields and they provided me with additional information. Some ofrepparttar 143747 techniques that they talked about were learning how to use positive self talk, using thought stopping techniques, and gatheringrepparttar 143748 facts of a fearful situation.

For instance, a person should visualize a red stop sign in their mind when they encounter a fear provoking thought. The stop sign is a reminder to stop focusing on that thought and to think of something else. This technique is good in dealing with obsessive and scary thoughts. I also learned that it is important to get all ofrepparttar 143749 facts of a situation that gets us all upset. Gatheringrepparttar 143750 facts can prevent us from relying on exaggerated and fearful assumptions.

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