So many sites,so little time

Written by Stuart Simonton

4/11/05 In this ever changing world we live in,there are so many different websites claiming different products and services. They all say they arerepparttar best at something. If you are like most surfers you've probably seen this pitch a million times or more. I'm probably one ofrepparttar 100440 most skeptical people inrepparttar 100441 world.But most people are curious by nature, so evenrepparttar 100442 most far out websites

6 Time Management Tips for Moms

Written by Kara Kelso

6 Time Management Tips for Moms

Many of you have expressedrepparttar challenge of not having enough time to accomplish all your needed tasks and not being organized. Having good organization and management skills is absolutely imperative to your business. Being well organized can greatly affect your successfulness. Applying a few ofrepparttar 100439 following tips will help you become more organized and make better use of your time.

1. Learn to delegate Most of us are mothers and as moms we tend to automatically take on everything and are used to doing everything ourselves. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with delegating different tasks.

2. Set business hours One way to keep yourself and your business organized is to set regular business hours. You know Monday through Friday 1 – 4 or whatever times works best for you and your family and try to stick to it as much as possible.

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