Snowcat Skiing: What Is It?

Written by Lockie Brown

Backcountry skiers near Golden, British Columbia travel high intorepparttar Rocky Mountains inrepparttar 133182 warm comfort of snowcats. Traveling in groups of 12, lead by two qualified guides, skiers and snowboarders are carried to elevations of almost 10,000 ft., to ski and ride on a glacier or down great alpine bowls. The views across North America’s continental divide are spectacular. Soft powder snow and fresh tracks isrepparttar 133183 expected norm, every run, every day. The small group of 14 skiers and riders make only a tiny mark onrepparttar 133184 vast landscape.

Intermediate and expert skiers wanting a very special powder snow holiday experience generally have three options: backcountry touring, snowcat skiing and heli-skiing. Backcountry touring is slow-paced and as relaxed as you want to make it. It usually requires quite a bit of time, a high level of physical fitness, considerable experience and specialized clothing and equipment.

Snowcat skiing is adapted to short holidays and many operators offer 3-day and 4-day full-service tour packages. Snowcat skiing is not normally weather-dependent and there is almost no “down-time”. Every day is a good ski day. Good physical condition always makes a tour more enjoyable, but there is none ofrepparttar 133185 climbing and walking of backcountry touring. Snowcat skiing provides a relaxed vacation that requires no prior experience or special equipment.

Heli-skiing isrepparttar 133186 “Cadillac” option for backcountry skiing. It is alsorepparttar 133187 most expensive, being about twicerepparttar 133188 cost of snowcat skiing. It is also weather-dependent. To allow for “down-days”, tours tend to be a few days longer than cat skiing tours. Heli-operators usually offer a guaranteed minimum amount of skiing. However, significant additional cost can result if guests exceedrepparttar 133189 minimum, which often occurs with good weather.

Efficient operation of helicopters is an economic necessity for operators and helicopters are usually shared among groups. This can result in a pace of skiing influenced by factors other thanrepparttar 133190 individual needs of each group. Unless guests pay for a dedicated helicopter, there is little opportunity to “sit out” a run. Typically, skiing groups can be as small as 4 and as large as 12, depending onrepparttar 133191 type of helicopter used.

Snowcat skiers enjoy a dedicated cat that moves according torepparttar 133192 needs and ability ofrepparttar 133193 group. Snowcat rides are warm, quiet, relaxed and very sociable. They give guests an opportunity to converse with their companions, to rest forrepparttar 133194 next run, and to adjust clothing. Guests wanting a longer rest can sit out a run and visit withrepparttar 133195 cat driver onrepparttar 133196 ride back downrepparttar 133197 mountain. Lunch is grazed on overrepparttar 133198 course ofrepparttar 133199 day. Guests can leave extra clothing inrepparttar 133200 cat and adjust what they wear each run. If a guest wishes to quit early forrepparttar 133201 day, a staff member will take them back torepparttar 133202 lodge on a snowmobile.

Heli-skiing operators use vast tenures covering many hundreds of sq. kms. This permits great access to “good” alpine snow under a variety of conditions. Snowcat operators use much less terrain. However, in Western Canada there are a number of snowcat operators that have tenures as large as 130 sq. km. These operators make effective use ofrepparttar 133203 land and have more than enough area to provide consistently good skiing and “fresh tracks”.

A number of operators have remote backcountry lodges. These offer a unique wilderness experience. Guests ride torepparttar 133204 lodges in helicopters, by snowmobile or in snowcats. Lodges are very comfortable and typically offer double-occupancy bedrooms with private bathrooms, excellent cuisine, a games room, a well stocked bar, hot tubs and massage facilities. The first run ofrepparttar 133205 day is nearby and guests often ski torepparttar 133206 lodge door atrepparttar 133207 end ofrepparttar 133208 day.

Remote lodges help guests relax and enjoy their vacation. Guests are isolated from telephones, TV andrepparttar 133209 bustle of civilization. Soaking in a hot tub, with refreshment in hand, guests watchrepparttar 133210 drifting snow orrepparttar 133211 last rays of sunlight leaverepparttar 133212 surrounding peaks. It’s a relaxing way to cap a full day of powder skiing. The problem ofrepparttar 133213 day becomes whether to have a massage before or afterrepparttar 133214 hot tub (or perhaps to dorepparttar 133215 hot tub twice). Lodge life is very informal and there are no decisions about what to wear to dinner. You only brought one pair of sweatpants!

Par and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf

Written by Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz

You've bogeyed your last hole, you are about to hit your next drive. As you take your practice swings, your mind is still onrepparttar last putt that you blew. You take your swing and it's a slice. In your mind you say to yourself "Oh no, I'm going to bogey again!" and you do. Sound familiar? You knowrepparttar 133181 techniques and mechanics, but you just can't get either your mind or body aligned with each other so that they do what you want them to do. In a word, you are stuck and "switched off," and your golf game is not going well at all. Golf requires you to think clearly and be analytical which arefunctions of your brain's left hemisphere. Golf also requires you to be creative and intuitive which are functions of your right hemisphere. To be a truly successful golfer you need to use both sides of your brain atrepparttar 133182 same time; you need an integrated approach. Brain integration is one ofrepparttar 133183 components of a program that usesrepparttar 133184 concept of "muscle checking." As a professional speaker and trainer, I have demonstrated this muscle checking concept for over 20 years. Audiences have found it both amazing and exciting. To understand this concept you will need a partner to practice on as you follow these instructions. 1. Face a partner. Have your partner raise one arm straight out fromrepparttar 133185 side of his body with thumb pointing down.

2. Place one hand on your partner's extended arm, aboverepparttar 133186 wrist andrepparttar 133187 other on their opposite shoulder.

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