Snowboarding jacketsWritten by Jakob Jelling
Winter jackets have changed a lot over years as technology has improved. The best solution used to be those big, puffy, down filled jackets. While they where warm they really didn't stand up all that well to wear and tears, moisture or active movements. Once again technology has come to our aid with invention of new materials.The new materials available have resulted in jackets that are warmer even when wet, lighter, more compact, tear resistant and fashionable. The most important area of improvement is functionality of these new products. The main areas of improvement are in waterproofing, wind proofing and breathe ability. Waterproofing is perhaps most obvious idea and potentially most important as well and is linked to your jackets ability to breath. Your body heat will be drained off very quickly if your clothing is wet make you cold much faster. Waterproofing has moved way beyond a simple chemical coating. Now it is at point where there is a standard for waterproofing that is measured by how many centimeters of water can rest on top of material before leaking through. The best fabrics can support tens of meters of water before leaking! Waterproofing is more than just type of fabric used since final product is only as strong as its weakest link. What good is a waterproof jacket of water can pour through zipper? A good quality waterproof jacket will have many extra features built into it that may not be visible. For example a jacket should have all of its seams sealed with a waterproof tape, zipper should be covered, inner layer must not absorb water and entire jacket should be made of waterproof materials not matter what section is. The next area to consider is wind proofing. Wind proofing is almost becoming a thing of that past. Of course wind will greatly effect how fast you loose body heat but is a non-issue if your jacket is highly waterproof. A jacket that can with stand a column of water tens of meters high is wind proof. The only time wind proofing is an issue is if your jacket is either entirely fleece or not fully waterproof.
| | The skin squeeze effect in divingWritten by Jakob Jelling
Skin squeeze is one of barotrauma problems which divers can suffer due to pressure factors involved in practice of sport. This way, a barotrauma can be caused due to differences between pressure of water and surface pressure to which diver's body is adequate and used to. Barotraumas include problems such as external, inner and middle ear squeeze, eye squeeze, skin squeeze, sinus squeeze and lung squeeze.While being into water, a diver is in a heavier environment than when he is in surface due to fact that water is a denser medium than air. The relationship between density of environment, its pressure and way it affects human body are explained through several physic laws, among which we can specifically find Boyle's law, Dalton's law and Henry's law. These physic laws explain that there is a constant relationship among volume and pressure multiplication. This way, it explains that way in which deeper a diver goes into water, more pressure he will be exposed to. Therefore, whenever they wish to go deep into water, divers should have this law in mind and take precautions necessary to avoid effects which this pressure increase can have on them.