Smokers Put Pets at Risk

Written by Marilyn Pokorney

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Do you smoke? Need an incentive to quit? Do you have pets? Then that beloved pet just might berepparttar 114018 incentive you need to stop.

Researchers atrepparttar 114019 University of Massachusetts have discovered that pets are affected by second-hand smoke.

Cats living with a smoker are two times more likely to get feline lymphoma than one that's not. After five yearsrepparttar 114020 rate increases to three times as likely. When there are two smokers inrepparttar 114021 home,repparttar 114022 chances of a cat getting feline lymphoma increases to four times as likely and after five years, three timesrepparttar 114023 rate of cats living in smokefree homes.

Dogs living in a smoking household have a 60 percent risk of getting lung cancer.

Long-nosed dogs, such as collies or greyhounds, are twice as likely to develop nasal cancer if they live with smokers.

Pets of all sizes and ages are affected. But especially small pets,repparttar 114024 very young andrepparttar 114025 old.

Second-hand smoke contributes to a other pet ills as well. As a smoker exhales,repparttar 114026 air is filled with poisonous fumes.

A pets eyes can become irritated due torepparttar 114027 smoke's effects onrepparttar 114028 tiny blood vessels found withinrepparttar 114029 eye.

Top 10 NO BS Penis Enlargement Tips

Written by George Rivera

You're about to discoverrepparttar little-known secrets of Penis Enlargement. There are certain things standing in your way, and I'm not talking specifically about supplements. I'm talking about changes you can implement in your life RIGHT NOW that will clearrepparttar 114013 path towards your penis enlargement. Let me share them with you now...

Secret #1: Quit Smoking

When smoking is combined with other risk factors, its harmful effects on impotence and penis size increase dramatically.

Secret #2: Get Rid of those Extra LBS!!!

Being overweight also restrictsrepparttar 114014 blood flow torepparttar 114015 penile tissues. Do More Exercise, if you don't exercise, you will be putting a brake on sexual performance and potential penis growth.

Secret #3: Lower Cholesterol level

The arterial walls ofrepparttar 114016 penis carryrepparttar 114017 blood flow torepparttar 114018 cavernous spongy tissue. The arteries ofrepparttar 114019 penis are very small and fatty deposits can reducerepparttar 114020 blood flow torepparttar 114021 tissues, thus preventingrepparttar 114022 full size from being obtained.

Secret #4: Clear Away Mental Blocks

Our subconscious mind affects everything we do, from behaviors and beliefs, to sensations and sensuality. Many people who have problems with small penis have it as a result of a negative event that happened in their life. As a result of that negative event a belief was formed inrepparttar 114023 subconscious andrepparttar 114024 body now reacts as a fulfillment of that belief.

Secret #5: Cut Down Alcohol & No Cocaine

When you consume alcohol in excess, alcohol acts as a toxic drug with serious short and long term consequences of erectile dysfunction and smaller penis. This occurs because alcohol interferes with messages betweenrepparttar 114025 brain's pituitary gland andrepparttar 114026 penis.

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