Smoke and Mirrors

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Withrepparttar increasing number of new people joiningrepparttar 102558 Internet every day,repparttar 102559 scamsters have an ongoing supply of new potential suckers. At first blush,repparttar 102560 Internet Newbies are overwhelmed byrepparttar 102561 technology, and don't do a whole lot. Many are retired, and simply want to keep in touch by email with family and friends. Others are living on a fixed income, and are looking for a second source of income.

Eventually, finding their comfort level they sally forth, and are found by those wishing to separate them from their hard earned money. Suddenly, their email increases with offers for everything imaginable underrepparttar 102562 sun. Getting all this information in their mail boxes, seems to trigger a synapse, and many viewrepparttar 102563 web as their road to riches.

Where else could they work in their PJs whenrepparttar 102564 mood strikes and supplement their income? In their travels aboutrepparttar 102565 web, they find what they think is a great affiliate program, and plopping down a few bucks, start their journey intorepparttar 102566 world ofrepparttar 102567 online entrepreneur.

Three or four months go by, and they haven't done anything except fillrepparttar 102568 coffers ofrepparttar 102569 affiliate program originators. Wondering how those experts can claim five figure monthly incomes from their Internet businesses, while they aren't earning squat, they cast about looking for something else.

What they don't realize is that they can't sit around eating "bon-bons" all day, expectingrepparttar 102570 world to beat a path to their door. As with all businesses, online or off, it takes more than a casual approach to truly make a business work.

Many beginning opportunity seekers are misled byrepparttar 102571 hoopla and marketing pitches. If anyone is trying to start a business onrepparttar 102572 Internet, they must approach it as a real business.

The number one priority is to get your own web site, and you should avoidrepparttar 102573 free ones offered by your ISP. The price of web space today is extremely affordable, and you can get a full blown site, includingrepparttar 102574 registration of your own domain name for $4 and change a month.

"Refresh" Your Chances Of Collecting That ClickBank Commission ...

Written by Mike Merz

ClickBank has long been considered a simple, cost effective way to promote digital products Online.

Would be merchants are charged a one time, relatively small start up fee, which will enable them to use ClickBank' secure payment processing services to accept Online payment (fee per transaction). What makes ClickBank even more popular is their affiliate network, which allows merchants to promote their wares by establishing an affiliate program, listed free inrepparttar ClickBank MarketPlace. The merchant setsrepparttar 102557 commission rate, and hasrepparttar 102558 ability to build an affiliate "army" to help promote their digital product/service. From that point on, ClickBank takes care of everything. Payment processing, affiliate commission payment, stats, etc.

But there is one major, easily seen downside to affiliate promotions. ClickBank uses what is known as "hoplinks" asrepparttar 102559 affiliate commission tracking method.

Here is an example: < >

The section ofrepparttar 102560 affiliate "hoplink" containingrepparttar 102561 x's is replaced byrepparttar 102562 affiliate's ID. The text that follows (afterrepparttar 102563 period ...) isrepparttar 102564 merchant ID.

The problem occurs when promoting this URL, as is.

Anyone with a ClickBank affiliate ID hasrepparttar 102565 ability to replacerepparttar 102566 advertiser's ID with their own, even if they are makingrepparttar 102567 purchase themselves, and takerepparttar 102568 commission.

The advertiser, that went throughrepparttar 102569 pains of promotingrepparttar 102570 URL inrepparttar 102571 first place, gets nothing.

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