Smart Kids: Use It Or Lose It This Summer

Written by ShowKidsTheFun

The brain is like a muscle -- you use it or lose it. During summer vacation is your child "losing it"?

Picture two different athletes. Athlete A is on a schedule where she trains ten months and then takes two months off. Athlete B trains year round. When Athlete A goes back to training after her two months of being a couch potato, she's going to feel sluggish, slow, and frustrated, while Athlete B is still in prime shape.

So, how do we, as parents, keep our children's brains in tip-top shape? Exercise your children's brains with these activities.

Writing Skills: Do your children have a favorite series of books, like The Magic Tree House or Harry Potter? They can writerepparttar next book inrepparttar 146203 series! Brainstormrepparttar 146204 plot with your children. Provide them with a special notebook for writingrepparttar 146205 story -- and let their imagination take them on a journey. A chapter each week will really add up!

Reading: Enroll your children in your local library's summer reading program. These reading programs reward children for reading duringrepparttar 146206 summer months, and are usually free to join. If your library doesn't offer a summer reading program, contact your local bookstore. Or make your own reading contest. Simply draw a chart with rewards at different levels. Every time your children reach a new level onrepparttar 146207 chart, celebrate their accomplishments!

Micro Dermabrasion – Hurting Skin to Heal it?

Written by Peter Crump

Acne is an upsetting condition that can be sometimes very difficult to clear, its treatment usually involvingrepparttar application torepparttar 146202 skin of a multitude of cleansers and other potions in a long process of trial and error that can be extremely frustrating forrepparttar 146203 patient. Clear skin, when it is finally achieved, is thus a thing to be cherished by most former sufferers, and most certainly not something to be taken lightly. So while there is little doubt that recovered acne patients will view their often scarred skin with disappointment, many are unwilling to risk its hard won clarity by trying scar reducing techniques, such as micro dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser treatment. And while medical advances are improving these techniques allrepparttar 146204 time – micro dermabrasion, for example, was developed as a gentler form of more traditional dermabrasion – those with delicate skin would be wise to carefully weigh uprepparttar 146205 possible advantages of receiving treatment withrepparttar 146206 possible risks.

Many former acne patients valuerepparttar 146207 current health of their skin so highly that they do not wish to compromise it by engaging in a treatment that might improverepparttar 146208 look of their skin further for fear that they might find themselves plummeting back torepparttar 146209 bad old days. Acne is a condition that can be painful both physically and psychologically, resulting in scars to self-esteem and confidence as well as torepparttar 146210 skin, and is something that no recovered sufferer wishes to revisit. But while it is understandable that patients wish to preserverepparttar 146211 clarity of their skin,repparttar 146212 fear that micro dermabrasion, for instance, will result in a resurgence of acne is unfounded. Acne is caused specifically byrepparttar 146213 body’s overproduction of sebum, and this is not something that dermabrasion machines will induce.

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