- Free gift registry

Written by Joe Piagentini

We realize how hard it is to go out shopping for someone’s birthday or wedding or another holiday not knowing what to get them. We know allrepparttar time that is involved in doing that process. You have to find free time duringrepparttar 125355 week, fight traffic on your way torepparttar 125356 store, try to find something they like, stand in line, drive allrepparttar 125357 way back home only to hope that they actually likerepparttar 125358 gift that you got them. Wouldn’t it just be easier if they sent you an email of things that they liked, go to, pick out a gift they have onrepparttar 125359 list, buy it, and have it delivered to your door in a couple of days? I thought so.

We live in a rushed society with hardly any time for ourselves any more. Why not make it easier on your friends and family and let them know what you would really like and help them save time inrepparttar 125360 process? You know, even if you said you wanted nothing for your birthday, they are going to get you something anyway so it might as well be something that you want, right?

BUDGETING YOUR LOG HOME: Where do you start?

Written by Mercedes Hayes

The Log home industry has matured these last many years, but there is still a lot of confusion about how much a log home costs. Naturally, everyone wants to knowrepparttar cost ofrepparttar 125354 log package; however,repparttar 125355 budgeting only starts here. If you are shopping for a milled log package (as opposed to hand-crafted, which is a totally different category),repparttar 125356 difference between one manufacturer's price and another is minimal when compared torepparttar 125357 total cost ofrepparttar 125358 structure. Here are some reasons why: - Other materials. The logs themselves only form a portion ofrepparttar 125359 material costs ofrepparttar 125360 home. Oncerepparttar 125361 log walls are erected, you still have to worry about a floor, a roof,repparttar 125362 windows,repparttar 125363 doors,repparttar 125364 plumbing,repparttar 125365 kitchen...repparttar 125366 list goes on and on. Some manufacturers quote a "weathered-in shell" which includesrepparttar 125367 logs,repparttar 125368 windows and roof - allrepparttar 125369 elements that encloserepparttar 125370 building (protectingrepparttar 125371 house againstrepparttar 125372 weather). Other manufacturers only quoterepparttar 125373 log package, and leave it torepparttar 125374 contractor to providerepparttar 125375 other materials locally. When pricing a log package, make sure you are comparing "apples to apples".

From our experience,repparttar 125376 price ofrepparttar 125377 Logs only constituted approximately 1/5 ofrepparttar 125378 total price ofrepparttar 125379 finished structure. As forrepparttar 125380 rest... it's a high-end custom home, and like any custom home, your cost is limited by your imagination - and your budget. You decide whether to use hardwood floors or carpet, marble counters or formica, a metal roof or asphalt shingles. No log home company will offer these products to you. Unlike a Development contractor who offers you a limited selection, you choose everything yourself, from doorknobs to toilets. Once you start factoring in all these items, you will discover that there isn't a whole lot of difference between a log home any another home - except forrepparttar 125381 exterior walls.

- Local price differences. We built our log home in New Jersey, which tends to be a lot more expensive overall than much ofrepparttar 125382 rest ofrepparttar 125383 country. The same house in Tennessee would cost considerably less in lumber and other materials. Also consider that labor costs vary wildly as well. A very big part of your budget will coverrepparttar 125384 labor, because this home will be built entirely by hand. Your contractor may not have to peel or notchrepparttar 125385 logs, but he will still be placingrepparttar 125386 logs one at at time, making surerepparttar 125387 walls are plumb, drilling holes forrepparttar 125388 wiring, cutting settling gaps aboverepparttar 125389 windows and doors, possibly fittingrepparttar 125390 roof frame one board at a time. Your builder isrepparttar 125391 most critical part ofrepparttar 125392 project, and it's not necessarily a good idea to go withrepparttar 125393 cheapest quote. Do you really want him to cut corners to stay within a low quote?

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