Small Does Not Mean Invisible!

Written by Elizabeth Piotrowski

Running a business onrepparttar net these days can be like looking up into a clear night sky; it can leave you feeling very small and insignificant.

I am a one-person operation, and I also offer personal service. It has taken some time for me to acquire clients, but I feel that my business is a smashing success!


First of all, there is nothing more fulfilling than having a client thank you for something; whether it be something you did for them or something you said.

Secondly, it is wonderful to get to know your clients. My sessions are usually conducted via chat, which leaves lots of room for conversation. I get to know my client as a person, as well as getting to know their online businesses.

It also makes staying in touch much easier. I can email my clients and feel comfortable doing so. Instead of feeling like an inbox intrusion, I am able to share links and resources which I feel are relevant to their particular type of business. And you know what? My clients dorepparttar 123622 same for me!

You've got to get up to go.

Written by Greg Hickman

A simple title, yet a super powerful message. After all, in order to get where you want to go in life, you first have to get up. But then, even after you have decided to get up, you still have to "go" if you ever expect to get there. Far too often we find thatrepparttar proverbial get up and go has got up and left way too many people in this country.

Time and time again,repparttar 123621 primary reasonrepparttar 123622 would-be winners never make it torepparttar 123623 top is because they do not get up, get going and keep going until they get there. Rather than give it their all, these under achieving individuals routinely takerepparttar 123624 apparently easy way out by throwing inrepparttar 123625 towel way too early inrepparttar 123626 game. I sayrepparttar 123627 apparently easy way out because quitting is rarelyrepparttar 123628 easy way out and is neverrepparttar 123629 winning way out of anything.

Quitting is usually accompanied by one of its favorite old companions –repparttar 123630 excuse. Would-be winners seem to work overtime finding one excuse after another why something cannot be done, when in reality it would be a lot easier to just go ahead and do it instead. Quitting, in and of itself, is a relatively easy task. Quitting requires no commitment, no personal responsibility and no accountability. In fact,repparttar 123631 act of quitting requires nothing at all.

It should also be duly noted thatrepparttar 123632 act of quitting produces nothing as well. Without exception, at one time or another we have all been tempted to quit. It is easy to run uprepparttar 123633 white flag and surrender when times get tough andrepparttar 123634 going gets rough. Whenrepparttar 123635 temptation to quit begins creeping in, that isrepparttar 123636 precise moment in whichrepparttar 123637 players are separated fromrepparttar 123638 pretenders. The players keep plugging away whilerepparttar 123639 pretenders pack it in.

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