Small Business Marketing Magic

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

Once upon a time, in 1969, there was a young woman who had a dream of starting her own company. She had ideas, talent and work ethic to spare but what she didn't have was cash. After careful research she found that marketing would cost more than allrepparttar other aspects of her business combined. Out camerepparttar 119636 credit cards, family loans and savings. After a few monthsrepparttar 119637 woman realized that she had mortgaged her future torepparttar 119638 hilt and she still couldn't make enough money to buy her way out of debt. Sadly, she closed up shop and went back to a job she hated at an uncaring corporation.

Fast-forward thirty years and meet a young man working at an insurance company who dreamed of starting his own small business as a financial planner. He hadrepparttar 119639 education and experience but what he didn't have was cash. The year is 1999 and after a few weeks of researchrepparttar 119640 young man realized that marketing and promotion were vital torepparttar 119641 success of his business. However,repparttar 119642 young man knew about a magical method of promotion that wasn't available torepparttar 119643 young woman in 1969. What wasrepparttar 119644 magical method he used to start his business part-time and build it into a full-time thriving practice after six months? The answer, of course, isrepparttar 119645 internet!

It's true thatrepparttar 119646 internet seems like a capricious magician that selectively waves a magic wand over some small businesses. However,repparttar 119647 reasons for this became glaringly clear torepparttar 119648 young man after he completed his research. He discovered that success is garnered by avoiding scams such as "business opportunities" that seem too good to be true. In addition to hard work and patience he stayed away from spam, Free For All Links (FFAs), pyramid schemes, network marketing, sweepstakes and investment fraud. He used to avoid anything that remotely resembled a scam.

The young man developed a marketing plan focusing onrepparttar 119649 internet and after six months he foundrepparttar 119650 following free or nearly free strategies worked best:

10 Cool Ways To Attract People To Your Web Site

Written by Eugenijus

1. Give people a free subscription to your e-zine. Almost everyone is publishing a e-zine nowadays so it's important to give something extra withrepparttar free subscription. You could offer a free gift or advertising when people subscribe.

2. Provide your visitors with free content. Your content will be more attractive to your visitors if it's up-to-date or original. You could also offer peoplerepparttar 119635 option to reprintrepparttar 119636 content in their e-zine or web site.

3. Offer a free online directory. The directory could be full of interesting ebooks, e-zines, web sites etc. If people find your directory to be a valuable resource they will visit it over and over.

4. Give your visitors a free ebook. You could also include your own ad inrepparttar 119637 ebook and allow other people to give it away. If you don't want to takerepparttar 119638 time to write one, you could ask other writers permission to use their articles.

5. Hold free online classes or seminars. They could be held in your web site's chat room. The idea of "live" information will definitely entice people to visit your web site. You will become known as an expert onrepparttar 119639 topic.

6. Give visitors a free entry into your contest or sweepstakes. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your visitors. Most people who enter will continually revisit your web site to getrepparttar 119640 results.

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