Slash Your Grocery Prices with Coupons

Written by GranMamma

Coupons save consumers hundreds of dollars a year. Smart shoppers takerepparttar time to look for, cut out, file, and use coupons on a regular basis. You may be surprised how much money you can save inrepparttar 110381 long run.

Coupons are easy to use when organized efficiently. Coupons should be put into groups such as cereals, fruit, pizzas, paper goods, pet food, baby needs, and anything else that you need frequently. With this strategy, you can easily plan to save money each time you make your grocery list. Simple rules for smart shopping:

1. Always checkrepparttar 110382 prices of similar brands. Another brand may be less expensive even withrepparttar 110383 coupon. Don’t buyrepparttar 110384 brand-name item just to userepparttar 110385 coupon.

2. If your retailer doublesrepparttar 110386 face value of your coupons on a certain day, plan to do your major shopping on that day.

3. Always shop with a list andrepparttar 110387 appropriate coupons based upon what your family usesrepparttar 110388 most.

4. When filing your coupons, put those withrepparttar 110389 earliest expiration dates in front so you won’t forget about them.

The Personality of a Scorpio Baby

Written by Tony Luck

Your Scorpio Baby..

October 23 - November 21

Young Scorpios have strong personalities. They know what they want and will go out and get it. Very loving and loyal to family and friends, Scorpios can, however, be wary of strangers. Your child may develop a trait of keeping his thoughts secret, but atrepparttar same time will be adept at finding out everyone else's secrets. Scorpios can often bear pain well so parents should learn to recognise small signs of discomfort from their babies.

At play a Scorpio baby will learn from people seen as being stronger than themselves. If anyone should break one of his toys, Scorpio will seek revenge. Scorpio children enjoy a good fight, and they intend to win.

Your child will be active, quick to

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