Six things You Can Do to Protect Your Child’s Hearing

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal & Professional Development Coach

5.2 million 6-19 year old had hearing loss directly related to noise exposure according torepparttar 3rd National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2000, reported on Dangerous Decibels, .

According to a study done by Montgomery and Fujukawa in 1992, “Overrepparttar 111244 last 10 years,repparttar 111245 percentage of 2nd graders with hearing loss has increased 2.8 times; hearing loss in 8th graders has increased over 4 times.”

No one knows exactly what level damages a child’s ears, butrepparttar 111246 Noise Center’s Rule of Thumb is: IF YOU HAVE TO SHOUT TO BE HEARD THREE FEET AWAY, THE NOISE IS TOO LOUD AND IS DAMAGING TO YOUR HEARING.

1. Educate yourself about noise levels.

A loud enough sound can cause instant, permanent and irreversible damage. Children’s ear canals are shorter than adults, and more vulnerable, and many ofrepparttar 111247 activities teens love are potentially harmful to their hearing. Resources: Top Ten BQ 172 ( ), DangerousDecibels ( ) and League forrepparttar 111248 Hard of Hearing ( ).

2. Provide your child with peace and quiet and make it clear you value it.

Turn downrepparttar 111249 volume of everything in your home and tell why you’re doing it. Model and encourage quiet activities such as reading, playing in room quietly, playing with toys that don't make noise, visitingrepparttar 111250 library, walks in nature, quiet conversation, and soothing music.

Create Your Own Personal Christmas Traditions

Written by Donna D. Fontenot

Create Your Own Personal Christmas Traditions

The Christmas holidays are steeped in familiar, old traditions. Decorating our homes, trimmingrepparttar tree, exchanging gifts, hanging mistletoe and many other traditions are staples ofrepparttar 111243 season. And while these old traditions can create warm memories, you may be missing out on something special. This Christmas season, take some time to consider creating your own special family tradition. Perhaps a glimpse into my own family's unique tradition will inspire you to discover one as well.

My Family's Personal Christmas Tradition

Many years ago, my mother became addicted to garage-saleing. She would wake up bright and early every Friday and Saturday morning (year-round), retrieverepparttar 111244 newspaper fromrepparttar 111245 driveway, and circle all ofrepparttar 111246 garage sales near her neighborhood that were listed inrepparttar 111247 classified section. Then, with a group of 2-3 lifelong friends, she would begin her quest for that perfect 'gift' that someone else was discarding. She rarely paid more than 50 cents for an item. The gifts were usually slighlty worn, even a little broken. (In fact, many times a perfect item would end up broken byrepparttar 111248 time she got it home. She was a little clumsy). But byrepparttar 111249 end of each shopping trip, she would arrive home with 10-20 items, that she would proudly display to my father. He, of course, would usually groan, because he always knew that she would be asking him to mendrepparttar 111250 broken pieces, or re-paint an old item. Needless to say, byrepparttar 111251 end of a year, my mother had managed to accumulate hundreds of 'special gifts', but had spent very little money doing so.

A few days before Christmas, it would then be my job to help her wrap all of these gifts. She generally bought as many Christmas bags as she could find (at garage sales of course), sorepparttar 111252 task was made somewhat simpler. All I had to do was throwrepparttar 111253 gift intorepparttar 111254 bag, and mark it with a recipient's name. How did I know who was to receive which gift? Well, Mom kept a running list throughoutrepparttar 111255 year which identified which item was reserved for which member ofrepparttar 111256 family. Of course, she often mis-labeled things, sorepparttar 111257 male members of our family occasionally received nice lingerie, whilerepparttar 111258 female members would receive a new hunting cap!

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