Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other

Written by Elena Fawkner

You've read many articles I'm sure aboutrepparttar advantages and disadvantages of working for yourself from your own home. Many of them I've written myself, in fact. But how many articles have you read that give equal time torepparttar 117957 advantages of working for someone else compared to working for yourself?

This article seeks to redressrepparttar 117958 imbalance by comparing and contrastingrepparttar 117959 respective pros and cons of running your own home-based business and working for someone else.


When you work for yourself from home, your commute is, at most, a few steps from one end ofrepparttar 117960 house torepparttar 117961 other. When you work in a traditional paid "job" your commute may be a five minute drive or it may be an hour and a half or worse. Both ways. That can add up to a substantial chunk of time overrepparttar 117962 course of a week, a month or a year.


If you work from home, you can be around for your kids. If you work outsiderepparttar 117963 home, you may be spending a fortune on childcare if your kids are too young for school and worrying about what they're up to betweenrepparttar 117964 end ofrepparttar 117965 school day and when you get home if they're not.

Onrepparttar 117966 other hand, having kids around while trying to run a professional business from home can be a major distraction and constant source of interruption. You may find you need to use childminding services occasionally to take care of business undisturbed.


When you work for yourself, you callrepparttar 117967 shots, you makerepparttar 117968 decisions and you do it without anyone looking over your shoulder and breathing down your neck. When you work outsiderepparttar 117969 home, you are subject torepparttar 117970 decisions (good and bad), whims and control of your boss. Your boss dictates your regimen.

Onrepparttar 117971 other hand, along with decision-making autonomy comes an awful burden. If you get it wrong, you may not make any money this week.


When you work for yourself, you can set your own hours - bothrepparttar 117972 actual hours you work andrepparttar 117973 number. When you work for a boss, you work when and for how long you're told (within limits, obviously).

Although setting your own hours may sound like freedom to you, all too often working your own hours translates into working all hours so you need to be able to set limits for yourself.

Also, when your boss dictates your hours, that may or may not fit in with your body clock. One ofrepparttar 117974 real advantages of working for yourself is that you can choose to work during your peak concentration time and not at all during your sluggish times ofrepparttar 117975 day. If your peak time is 5:00 am through to 10:00 am, you can work those hours and another couple sometime inrepparttar 117976 afternoon catching up on brainless type tasks. If you work for someone else, you work when you're told and if that doesn't work with your body clock, too bad.


If you're a professional inrepparttar 117977 paid workforce, you may enjoy a certain status and prestige, if that's important to you. On repparttar 117978 other hand, working for yourself you may find it difficult to be taken seriously at all. Again, whether that's a relevant factor depends on how important things like "status", "image" etc. are to you. If they are important, take this seriously. Although it may sound shallow, if it's going to be a thorn in your side, give it some serious thought.


When you work for someone else, you have a ready-made structure. There is a time for work, and there is a time to go home. When you work for yourself, these boundaries can become blurred over time, so much so that you may find you have difficulty turning work off since you are, after all, living in your work environment and vice versa.


If you're a personally disciplined person, working from home will probably suit you very well. But if you find it difficult to motivate yourself to do what has to be done and you find yourself procrastinating over starting a particular work- related task, you may findrepparttar 117979 distractions of being at home particularly difficult to resist. If you find yourself doing laundry and gardening when you should be working, this may be a problem for you.


This is one ofrepparttar 117980 biggies. THE big advantage of working for someone else is that you have a regular paycheck coming in. Leaving aside any worry of downsizing, assuming you do your job competently, you can reasonably expect to receive a certain, known amount of money at regular intervals. When you work for yourself, however,repparttar 117981 amount of money you make and when you receive it can be, at best, spasmodic.

Onrepparttar 117982 other hand,repparttar 117983 money you make from working from someone else is limited to your salary. When you work for yourself,repparttar 117984 sky'srepparttar 117985 limit provided you are successful at what you do.


When you work for someone else, your boss is responsible for capital expenditure and day to day expenses and you don't have to worry about it or even think about it, for that matter. When you work for yourself, however, you're responsible for buying your capital equipment (computer, photocopier, fax machine) and paying for repairs as needed. You're responsible for paying your own electricity and phone bills, printing costs and advertising expenses ... you name it, it falls on you.


Similarly, when you work for someone else you get to participate in your employer's pension plan, you get paid health insurance and vacations as well as numerous other benefits. When you work for yourself, to get any of these things you have to pay for them out of your own pocket.


Your employer pays for various insurances to protectrepparttar 117986 business unit from risk. The types of insurance taken out will depend onrepparttar 117987 nature ofrepparttar 117988 business but will include, at a minimum, products liability, business interruption andrepparttar 117989 like. Again, as a home business owner, you must footrepparttar 117990 bill for this expenditure.


Your employer is responsible for ensuring thatrepparttar 117991 business obtains and maintains all necessary business licenses. If you'rerepparttar 117992 boss, this is your responsibility.


When you're an employee, you get paid vacations. When you're self-employed you don't. And even if you decide to take a couple of weeks off, who's going to runrepparttar 117993 business in your absence? Can you really just walk away for two weeks? In reality, when you work for yourself, true vacations are a thing ofrepparttar 117994 past.

Creating a Professional Image For Your Home-Based Business

Written by Elena Fawkner

Like it or not, there is still a segment ofrepparttar population who will erroneously conclude that you and your business are less than professional and competent just because you run your business out of your home.

Dumb? Obviously. Narrow-minded? Yes. Wrong? Absolutely. Unfair? No question. Want their business? Well ... yes. OK, then you're going to have to playrepparttar 117956 game and beat them at it. Here's how to do it. It's a little sneaky, but hey, all's fair in love and home-based business.


The name ofrepparttar 117957 game is creatingrepparttar 117958 right image ... employing a few harmless fictions, in other words. First off, incorporate or register a fictitious business name. Nothing screams "PROFESSIONAL!" to Potential Client as an honest-to- goodness corporate or business name on your letterhead and business cards. Never mind that anyone can spend ten bucks and register a DBA, it at least *looks* professional, and that's what counts.


The next problem you have with Potential Client is that you don't want your home address to give you away.

What do you think looks more professional in Potential Client's eyes: 123 Cherryblossom Way, Apt. 103, Suburbia or 123 Major Blvd, Level 37, Big City?

The answer is a serviced office. These don't have to cost a lot of money if you use them pretty much as a post office but they CAN give your business allrepparttar 117959 big-city prestige your potential client is looking for. You can also use a post office box for this purpose but many a Potential Client will be on to you in a flash. They didn't just fall offrepparttar 117960 turnip truck, you know. (Right.)

An additional advantage is that you can use your serviced office to meet with Potential Client. After all,repparttar 117961 last thing you want is to have him coming to your REAL office. Heaven forbid! Most serviced offices will make meeting rooms available for a flat fee.


This is probablyrepparttar 117962 trickiest part of all. How do you know it's safe to answerrepparttar 117963 phone in your home office even though repparttar 117964 sounds of your young children playing just outside your office door will be heard byrepparttar 117965 caller? You simply don't.

There is a simple way of dealing with this. Only give your home office number to existing clients. They already know you are professional and competent and should therefore have no issue withrepparttar 117966 fact that you work from home.

For anyone else, give outrepparttar 117967 number of an answering service that will answerrepparttar 117968 call in your business name and can tell callers that you're in a meeting with another client and take a message. Your serviced office will offer this service as well. You can then returnrepparttar 117969 call at a time when you know tell-tale background noise won't give you away.

In fact, a trick some people who work from home use when returning calls is to run a tape of office background noise. This both givesrepparttar 117970 impression you are working in a large office AND it masks any slight tell-tale household noises that may, despite your best efforts, give you away.

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