Six Sigma

Written by Ronald Munro

Six Sigma Created by Ronald Munro

Six Sigma is a proven approach focusing on reduction of defects and increasing product or service efficiency. Most companies use some form of quality control to accomplish this task.

Quality control does several things for a business. It creates a better product or service forrepparttar company to market. By having better quality companies are able to better manage their resources and compete inrepparttar 104308 market place. Quality control also helps to better manage items like waste or employee hours.

Here are 6 Ways to approach increasing quality in an organization: 1. Facilitate a more rapid progression towards quality throughrepparttar 104309 use of repetition to buildrepparttar 104310 behavioral and management skills your managers and allow them to more readily develop those skills.

2. Reduce management and supervisor frustration by developing a positive, results-oriented attitude within each manager, thereby creating a more positive and motivating organizational environment.

3. Develop overall management and leadership skills such as open and honest communication, delegation skills, coaching, planning, problem solving, time management, leadership and motivation.

4. Provide a system of goal setting and action planning with managers so as to permitrepparttar 104311 achievement of management’s objectives in conjunction withrepparttar 104312 Quality Management System.

5. Crystallize and communicate organizational objectives while monitoring progress and providing a systematic approach to effective time management toward reaching these goals and objectives. This will raiserepparttar 104313 level of each manager’s success and reducing frustration.

6. Integraterepparttar 104314 goals ofrepparttar 104315 organization withrepparttar 104316 personal goals ofrepparttar 104317 managers, thus creating an environment of motivation and mutual commitment.

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