Six Reasons Why Your Alexa Rating Is Still Important.

Written by Tinu Abayomi-Paul

Six Reasons Why Your Alexa Rating Is Still Important.

1. Additional Exposure For Your Site.

Atrepparttar end of 2003,'s results were being closely linked intorepparttar 120603 listings of its' parent company, This currently means that when someone reviews your site, it is linked to their amazon profile, which can be accessed when people browsing for books look to see what reviewers like them suggest. Inrepparttar 120604 future, it could mean that will integrate your web site in other ways, such as showing a list of websites related to popular topics such as marketing.

2. Alexa's relationship with

See if you can name one major partnership that or has had whererepparttar 120605 other party came out worse off inrepparttar 120606 end.

Yahoo? I don't think so. Though their relationship has soured for reasons that aren't common knowledge, and does not supply Yahoo with search results any longer, it certainly didn't make less popular a destination online. If anything, more webmaster like you and me, who could not affordrepparttar 120607 $200 fee for a commercial review to be listed, rush to Yahoo to see if our Google listings really were coming up number one there, too. Can't think of any other one, can you?

Let's discuss how this is relevant to you.

This little known advantage to having a good Alexa rating is fairly new. I was doing some research on Google, atrepparttar 120608 end of last year, to see what wasrepparttar 120609 fastest, cheapest way to get my brand new site good ranking and fast inclusion in Google's database. Using, I was able to discover one ofrepparttar 120610 biggest secrets online that showed me how to get a visit fromrepparttar 120611 Googlebot spider and included in their index in under a week. The Googlebot spider now visitsrepparttar 120612 home page of my site every day, re=spidering my site when I make significant changes.

While I was at Alexa, I noticed that very quietly, without a lot of hoopla or publicity, Alexa Internet began to include a Google search right in their toolbar atrepparttar 120613 end of last year. Upon further investigation, I realized that Alexa and Google were getting quite chummy. This relationship directly led torepparttar 120614 idea I had which uncovered a way to get Alexa and Google to help me get free, unlimited traffic for any keyword related to my site's topic.

The idea was so simple, so cheap, and so profitable that I started to write a book about it, which I finished this past January. Everything was great, I was getting great traffic. Then I woke up one morning and checked my email, and most of my online colleagues were ticked off about something calledrepparttar 120615 Florida update, which caused many small commercial websites to have their listings drop in ranking or disappear altogether.

Of course, I went to check on my site.

Not only did my ranking not drop, I had additional listings and improved exposure. One ofrepparttar 120616 several factors that appeared to berepparttar 120617 reason for my improved rankings, not just in spite of, but because ofrepparttar 120618 Florida update, was my Alexa ranking. Further testing on other commercial sites of fellow small business owners confirmed this.

This experience taught me to pay a lot more attention to my Alexa rating, as well as to have a new appreciation forrepparttar 120619 ratings of all my sites.

Your Alexa rating is still relevant to you because it appears to be a factor in your page rank at Google. Generally, anything that is important to Google is important to me, because I wanted to learn how to makerepparttar 120620 site an excellent source of traffic for me. And it worked.

Working to have a rise in my Alexa rating helped me in my quest for free quality traffic as well- every increase in my Alexa rating has coincided with a rise in bothrepparttar 120621 number of keywords I rank for andrepparttar 120622 likelihood that my site will appear onrepparttar 120623 first page of search results, first at Google, then with other search engines.

You'd never know that I haven't ever submitted them my link.

3.Your competitor's awareness is increasing.

Those of us who have been online sincerepparttar 120624 early 90's, beforerepparttar 120625 graphical interface we now callrepparttar 120626 World Wide Web, are well aware ofrepparttar 120627 Alexa toolbar, and there are many schools of thought as to its effectiveness as an indicator of your site's traffic.

Whether you believe it's effective or useful,repparttar 120628 fact remains that you can userepparttar 120629 Alexa toolbar andrepparttar 120630 resources at to give your site a competitive advantage. Your competition knows this if they have any marketing savvy at all.

Creative Marketing Tips … “Simple things you can use in your business to attract more clients”

Written by Troy D White

The single most important activity you can do in your small business is create a unique marketing strategy and plan. When wasrepparttar last time you saw a company marketing themselves in an outrageous way? In this day and age it looks like everyone has readrepparttar 120602 same book on marketing – and sorry to say – that book doesn’t work!

What does work – is a little creativity, a little personality and a lot of effort to make yourself so different from your competition – that there is no real competition.

1.What crazy stunts could you do to get free media publicity? What type of outrageous challenge could you post torepparttar 120603 public (ie give me 30 days and we will change your life, your business, your appearance etc…) Alternatively, go get a Guinness Book Of Records… find something that is remotely related to your business… and design a new record you are going to create –repparttar 120604 media will love you.

2.What’s your stadium pitch? Imagine have been givenrepparttar 120605 chance to do a 60 second presentation to 50,000 people in a stadium. Just as you walk out to startrepparttar 120606 presentation… they announce that people don’t have to stay if they don't want. What could you say in 15 seconds to get them to stay? What could you say in 60 seconds to convince them that your company isrepparttar 120607 only alternative and they’d be crazy not to build a relationship with you?

3.Think aboutrepparttar 120608 lifetime value of your clients. When they are first introduced to you they are buying into a relationship with you… they are NOT buying a product. It is up to you to nurture that relationship. Are you? If you treat them right and make them feel like family… your clients will come back… buy more… and buy more often. In today’s cold impersonal business world, berepparttar 120609 one that treats them like family.

4.Find a way to build a recurring payment plan around your business. If you have a one-time purchase of your product… what could you offer to your clients to have them come back more often? Could you do a tune-up or clean up or re-design once a year? Rather than waiting for them to come in… offer them a reminder service and a monthly enticement to come back in. Bill them monthly, quarterly or yearly. Up to 50% (sometimes more) of your clients will take this option… what would that add to your bottom line?

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