Sinusitis : Sinus Infection Deals a Corporate KO

Written by Joe Miller

Sinusitis and Sinus Infection Starts with a Little Sniffle

Yes, I hear it too. A simple sniffle in a distant cubical. No big deal. But wait. There went another. Before longrepparttar office uproars in a virtual canon of sniffing, and it is more alarming then musical. Little do they know that a little sniffle might indicaterepparttar 102945 onset of one ofrepparttar 102946 most expensive corporate costs common to most businesses - sinus infection and sinusitis –unlessrepparttar 102947 business is prepared to nip it inrepparttar 102948 bud early that is.

Sinusitis and Sinus Infection

Sinusitis is an advanced sinus infection, usually beginning withrepparttar 102949 post-nasal drip from sniffing during cold season, when weather changes, or during allergy attacks. The head has four nasal cavities which, if blocked by inflammation or mucous, will breed bacterial growth and eventual sinus infection and sinusitis.

Depending uponrepparttar 102950 severity ofrepparttar 102951 blow, a sinus infection or sinusitis could affect your employees for periods ranging between 3 weeks and several months. Many attacks occur several times a year. Because a sinus infection may develop and lead to sinusitis at any time, businesses must not overlookrepparttar 102952 corporate cost. Be prepared.

Corporate Cost of Sinus Infection and Sinusitis

$5.8 billion a year is not whatrepparttar 102953 American businesses want as an annual expense. But most businesses might as well add sinusitis or sinus infection to its balance sheet, they have been paying for it in recent years and it will keep coming back - kind of reminds you of Rocky Balboa.

Why should businesses be so concerned about sinusitis and sinus infection? Here are a few numbers they might want to analyze. Reports indicate that between 31 and 32 million Americans are affected by sinusitis or sinus infection each year, resulting in about 18 million healthcare visits. These visits, of course, are part of company health plans.

Not convinced yet? This may not seem like that much of a business expense until you addrepparttar 102954 expense of sinusitis and sinus infection performing a virtual KO of your office. Sinusitis and sinus infection knocks out professionals for an average of 4 days per year. Not to mentionrepparttar 102955 affect sinusitis and sinus infection have onrepparttar 102956 productivity of those who come to work affected by sinusitis

Real Estate Closing Costs Exposed

Written by Mark Walters

Closing costs can come as a shock to anyone buying or selling real estate - especially to investors. Here's an explanation ofrepparttar various expenses you must plan for:

Down Payment Most lenders require a down payment of from zero to 20% for a normal home purchase.

Lender's Loan Origination Fee Government regulations allow 1% origination fee on FHA or VA loans. Conventional loan fees can vary from 1 to 3 points or more. A point is 1% ofrepparttar 102944 loan.

Appraisal Fee About $300-$500. Non refundable.

Credit Report $50-$60. Non refundable.

Tax Service Fee In some areas a charge of approximately $75 by a tax service company to verify to lender that taxes are actually being paid.

Assumption Fee Fee of approximately $250 up to 1% ofrepparttar 102945 loan balance charged by existing lender for permission to assume existing loan.

Pest Inspection Fee A fee of $100 - $175 is charged for inspecting property for wood destroying organisms (termites). Customary forrepparttar 102946 seller to pay.

Optional Fees At buyer's option: property inspections that cover foundation, electrical, plumbing and overall construction at a cost of $300-$400. Roof inspections cost $75-$125. Geological reports about $100. Septic $200-$400. Radon $50-$100. Asbestos $75-$125.

Title Insurance Cost determined by a rate chart and is based onrepparttar 102947 loan amount.

City Transfer Tax Imposed withinrepparttar 102948 corporate limits of some cities. The VA does not allowrepparttar 102949 veteran buyer to pay any portion of this cost.

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