Single hung aluminum window glass repair

Written by John Rocco

Let's talk about repairing broken glass in an aluminum frame single hung window. If it'srepparttar lower sash pane that is broken, it must be removed fromrepparttar 100045 inside. You are going to have one of three different mechanisms that holdrepparttar 100046 lower sash up when you slide it open. If you can't see any mechanisms onrepparttar 100047 sides, then you have a block and tackle system consisting of a string and spring assembly. Findrepparttar 100048 thin metal clips inrepparttar 100049 side jambs just aboverepparttar 100050 sash. Pullrepparttar 100051 bottom ofrepparttar 100052 clip out using a screwdriver or your fingernail. Do that on both sides. Then remove any rubber stops atrepparttar 100053 very top ofrepparttar 100054 window. Raiserepparttar 100055 window as high as it will go. The block and tackle assemblies will get snagged inrepparttar 100056 metal clips, allowing you to removerepparttar 100057 window sash. You would replacerepparttar 100058 glass usingrepparttar 100059 same method described in our article about sliding window repairs. Once you haverepparttar 100060 new glass installed, installrepparttar 100061 window panel inrepparttar 100062 reverse order that you removed it. Closerepparttar 100063 window and pushrepparttar 100064 metal clips back. Installrepparttar 100065 rubber stops atrepparttar 100066 top.

If you have a mechanism acrossrepparttar 100067 top ofrepparttar 100068 window with a string coming down each side and screwed intorepparttar 100069 top corners ofrepparttar 100070 window sash, you need to removerepparttar 100071 screws holdingrepparttar 100072 strings in place. But before you removerepparttar 100073 screws, you need to remove one ofrepparttar 100074 black plastic pieces that coverrepparttar 100075 side jamb. Raiserepparttar 100076 window allrepparttar 100077 way up, then put a flat screwdriver atrepparttar 100078 very bottom ofrepparttar 100079 plastic piece and pull outward until you can grab it with your fingers. Sliderepparttar 100080 plastic out. Now removerepparttar 100081 screws holdingrepparttar 100082 strings. Be sure to holdrepparttar 100083 string in one hand while removingrepparttar 100084 screw, becauserepparttar 100085 string is under tension. After removingrepparttar 100086 screw, letrepparttar 100087 string slowly go back up. Pullrepparttar 100088 panel torepparttar 100089 side that you removedrepparttar 100090 black plastic piece, and removerepparttar 100091 panel. Remember, two of your corner screws will be removed at this point, andrepparttar 100092 proper way to removerepparttar 100093 frame fromrepparttar 100094 glass is to remove opposite corner screws. So, you should put one ofrepparttar 100095 string screws back in and removerepparttar 100096 corner screw oppositerepparttar 100097 removed string screw. Then, when you installrepparttar 100098 new glass, removerepparttar 100099 string screw and installrepparttar 100100 strings. Raiserepparttar 100101 window up and installrepparttar 100102 black plastic piece by sliding it up betweenrepparttar 100103 frame and side jamb.


Written by Mercedes Hayes

As we start to research log homes, it quickly becomes apparent that there is much more variety than one would ever think. Not only do log homes come in all shapes and sizes, butrepparttar logs themselves come in as many variations as you can imagine. Once you decide onrepparttar 100044 look you want, you can start eliminating manufacturers that don't provide your system.

There are two categories of log homes: handcrafted and milled log homes. Initially, you may not realize what you are looking at, but there are some basic guidelines that will clarifyrepparttar 100045 differences. A handcrafted log home is just that;repparttar 100046 logs are peeled by hand, notched by hand, and in many cases, each log is scribed to fit exactly on top of another log. In many handcrafted homes,repparttar 100047 logs are stacked alternately, sorepparttar 100048 large end of a log is stacked on top ofrepparttar 100049 tapered end ofrepparttar 100050 log beneath. A milled log home will feature logs that are uniform in shape, andrepparttar 100051 logs will be cut to fit together, such as with a tongue-and-groove or Swedish cope, so that they stack easily and evenly. There is a big price difference between a handcrafted and a milled log home. This is mostly because ofrepparttar 100052 intense labor required to construct a handcrafted home, and because ofrepparttar 100053 larger diameter logs that are normally used. The vast majority of homes built today are milled log homes. 

If you see a log home with round logs and chinking, that is a first indication that this is could be a handcrafted log home. Chinking was historically a mortar-like material that filledrepparttar 100054 gaps betweenrepparttar 100055 logs. Modern science has created an acrylic compound that expands and contracts withrepparttar 100056 wood; it is applied as a wide white stripe. If a handcrafted log is not scribed, then chinking is a must becauserepparttar 100057 logs leave gaps along their length. Some people do use chinking as a design feature even when it's not necessary, though forrepparttar 100058 most part milled log homes are not chinked.  The characteristic corner of your log home will speak volumes torepparttar 100059 person who knows how to read it. The profile and joinery system ofrepparttar 100060 log will usually be reflected onrepparttar 100061 ends. For instance, on a handcrafted log home you'll seerepparttar 100062 different diameters ofrepparttar 100063 stacked logs. To stack them, these corners will be notched so that each log sits directly onrepparttar 100064 log below it (like a Lincoln Logs™ toy). A milled log that is saddle-notched will stackrepparttar 100065 same way (of course, every log will look exactlyrepparttar 100066 same). Because saddle-notched logs are staggered, course to course,repparttar 100067 log ends will be visible onrepparttar 100068 interior corners ofrepparttar 100069 house as well asrepparttar 100070 exterior. This gives a very rustic look. A butt-and-pass corner gives you an end where there is a space between every other log. This is because one log butts up againstrepparttar 100071 intersecting log, which runs past it. These logs are all laid onrepparttar 100072 same course, so that withrepparttar 100073 interior corners of your home,repparttar 100074 logs will come to a squared edge.

On milled logs, there are many joinery systems to choose from. Today,repparttar 100075 most popular joinery is called a "Swedish cope". This is where each log is scooped out to fit snugly onrepparttar 100076 curve ofrepparttar 100077 log beneath. It gives a very smooth and natural look. Another joinery system isrepparttar 100078 tongue-and-groove, or double tongue-and-groove depending onrepparttar 100079 manufacturer. The tongues are cut intorepparttar 100080 top ofrepparttar 100081 log and corresponding grooves atrepparttar 100082 bottom. These create a tight fit and stack easily. A more traditional, early American notch is calledrepparttar 100083 dove-tail, which is a mortise and tenon notch usually cut into squared timbers. There are many other corner systems available, but these arerepparttar 100084 most commonly used. 

The shape, or profile of your log is another feature which will help you decide what kind of package to purchase. Many people prefer a "D" log, which is round onrepparttar 100085 outside and flat onrepparttar 100086 inside. This gives you a horizontal wood-paneling look, and is easy to hang pictures on. Others prefer a round log, which is a little more rustic and presents many challenges - such as how to joinrepparttar 100087 logs torepparttar 100088 sheetrock. Squared timbers, which give a more Appalachian look torepparttar 100089 home, tend to be tall and fairly narrow, and are often grooved forrepparttar 100090 application of chinking.   The average milled log home will use pine logs in 6" and 8" diameters. You can also find them in 10" and 12" diameters. Anything larger than 15" will probably roll you over to a handcrafted home. Cedar logs are an upgrade, and can be found in 6", 8" and occasionally 10" diameters. Some manufacturers more rarely use oak, cypress, fir, hemlock, larch, poplar, spruce, and walnut. These rarer woods will be a price upgrade. Because ofrepparttar 100091 superior log care products onrepparttar 100092 market today that protect allrepparttar 100093 logs effectively,repparttar 100094 wood species largely becomes a matter of personal taste. The best rule of thumb when choosing log species is to stay with a wood that is native to your area. The logs will adapt torepparttar 100095 environment more comfortably.

Newcomers are continually amazed to discover thatrepparttar 100096 logs are their own insulation. To compare a stick-frame wall to a log wall by usingrepparttar 100097 "R-value" is not comparing "apples to apples". Logs have a lower "R-value" than insulated 2x4 walls. However, they work onrepparttar 100098 principal of thermal mass. Because ofrepparttar 100099 cellular structure of logs, they tend to absorbrepparttar 100100 heat and hold it longer than traditional walls. The logs will actually absorbrepparttar 100101 heat fromrepparttar 100102 interior ofrepparttar 100103 house (or fromrepparttar 100104 sun, if facing south), and whenrepparttar 100105 temperature drops at night,repparttar 100106 walls will generate that heat back intorepparttar 100107 house untilrepparttar 100108 temperatures equalize. They take longer to warm up, and stay warm much longer. Conversely, they stay cooler inrepparttar 100109 summertime. Some producers feature a half-log system, whererepparttar 100110 logs are attached outside-and-inside to 2x4 or 2x6 stick-frame walls. This addsrepparttar 100111 extra R-value of an insulated wall, along withrepparttar 100112 beauty ofrepparttar 100113 log, and also makes it easier to install electrical wiring. Ultimately, these systems are a bit more expensive than full-log, because ofrepparttar 100114 additional cost ofrepparttar 100115 lumber. But they do giverepparttar 100116 added ability to varyrepparttar 100117 interior of your house, so that some interior walls could be sheetrock, stone, or tongue-and-groove. In any case, many modern manufacturers userepparttar 100118 half-log system on their second floor, to compensate forrepparttar 100119 huge windows, which may displace so many logs thatrepparttar 100120 wall's integrity could be compromised. Also, becauserepparttar 100121 large windows settle at a different rate than logs,repparttar 100122 stick-framed second floor equalizesrepparttar 100123 overall settling. Withrepparttar 100124 best manufacturers, you won't be able to tell onrepparttar 100125 outside whererepparttar 100126 full logs end andrepparttar 100127 half logs begin.

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